Latest God Said Man Said Topics
- An Actual Tree of Life?—Of Course! (The Genesis Series, Part 13)
Bible detractors are looking for “God-inspired truths” in the book of Genesis, how about the amazing Tree of Life? - Was There a Garden of Eden?—Yes! (The Genesis Series, Part 12)
When Adam opened his eyes for the first time, he had no idea of what had preceded his creation earlier on the sixth day, nor on any of the five days of creation that...>
All "God Said Man Said" Topics
- "Things We Know to be True:" "Scientific American" Challenges God (Part 1)
- "Things We Know to be True:" "Scientific American" Challenges God (Part 3)
- "Things We Know to be True:" "Scientific American" Challenges God (Part 4)
- "Things We Know to be True:" "Scientific American" Challenges God Series
- 'Time & Chance' Keep Biting the Dust
- (A Re-Release) Harnessing Words, Light, and Health
- (Every Chapter, Verse, Sentence, Word, & Punctuation Mark) A Piece of God
- 110,000,000 Americans with STDs — But It Didn't Have to be That Way!
- 120: They Just Can't Help Themselves
- 180 Proof
- 2009: Missing Link Still Missing
- 21 Signs of Doomsday (Update LV—Names of Blasphemy, Part 1)
- 911 Average Years and The Egyptian Reigns
- 911 Years and Immortality Is Back
- A Blade of Grass and Dawkins
- A Christian Nation Series
- A Crisis in Physics—But Not at God's House
- A Godly Dose of Quantum
- A Matter of Law
- A Merry Heart or a Broken Spirit
- A Miracle in Real Time
- A Mother's Breast Keeps on Giving
- A Synchronized Wave of Death -- Part One
- A Synchronized Wave of Death -- Part Two
- A Synchronized Wave of Death Series
- A Tropical Paradise—Amazing! (The Genesis Series, Part 3)
- A World Flooded With Perjury
- Abortion
- Abortion -- Part Two -- Its Deadly Fruits
- Abortion Series
- Acclaimed Geologist Solves Mystery: Earth is Young!
- Accumulated Weight
- Adam and Eve
- Adam and Eve, Mutations and Devolution
- Adam Was To Live Forever
- Adam's Rib
- Adam's Rib and Woman
- Alcohol & Confession of the Mouth
- Alcohol and Armageddon
- Alcohol and Christians
- Alcohol and Christians (Part Three)
- Alcohol and Christians (Part Two)
- Alcohol and Christians Series
- Alcohol Hides in the Darkness, but Alas! It Biteth like a Serpent and Stingeth like an Adder
- All The World Was Once Vegetarian
- Amazing Light (Part I)
- Amazing Light (Part II)
- Amazing Light Series
- America Caught with its Hedge Down (Satan Steals In)
- An Actual Tree of Life?—Of Course! (The Genesis Series, Part 13)
- An Intro to GodSaidManSaid
- An Invisible (Yet So Very Visible) Kingdom of God—Part 1
- An Invisible (Yet So Very Visible) Kingdom of God—Part 2
- An Invisible (Yet So Very Visible) Kingdom of God—Part 3
- An Ubiquitous God and the Second Law
- Angels
- Another One Bites the Dust: Cousin Neo
- Another Way and the Rapture of the Nerds
- Anthropic Principle
- Asa Paulovich—777
- Ask the Earth
- Atheists Do Not Exist! Man is Genetically Hardwired for Faith!
- Balaam’s Curse
- Baptism in the Holy Ghost (At Home Help)
- Baptism With the Holy Ghost Update
- Basic Nature
- Beauty For Ashes
- Before You Ask
- Believe or Be Damned: Is This the Message of the God of Love?
- Bestiality
- Beware Who You Follow
- Bible & Science Agree: Breastfeeding Babies
- Bible Rewires Addicts' Brains
- Big Bang Just Another Chicken-Lizard
- Biomimicry -- Part 1
- Biomimicry -- Part 2 (The Truth Men Refuse to See)
- Biomimicry Series
- Black Plague Leveled by Leviticus--And Here It Is Again!
- Blessings of a Mother's Breast
- Blood
- Blue Stars and Young
- Bones and Herbs
- Breaking News -- Honey, Breast-Feeding, Circumcision, Pork
- Breast-Feeding
- Brian’s Disagreements
- Bridling the Tongue and Its Power
- Brother J's Gift
- Brother Paul Wants Noah Answers
- But as the Days of Noe Were—Noah’s Back, Big Time!
- Butter & Honey--Don't Miss This One!
- CALLING: Those in Despair, the Depressed, Suicidal, the Cutters, the Fearful, and the Hopeless
- Can You Answer Three Questions?
- Can Your Brain Make Your Body Sick? New Research Is In!
- Cancel Culture Ordered to Stand Down!
- Capitalism and Imperfection
- Carl Sagan Questions Genesis
- Carnal Man On Board
- Cast Off the Cords and Bands
- Casting Out Devils
- Caveman in Reverse
- Center of the Universe Discovered and What Holds It Together
- Certainty
- Changing Your Brain
- Cherubims Block The Way
- Chicken or the Egg and Starlight
- Childbirth
- Children and the Rod
- Christian Nation and Language
- Christmas -- Can You Believe It -- Part Two
- Christmas -- Can You Believe It Series
- Christmas -- Can You Believe It? -- Part One
- Christopher Columbus Series
- Circumcision
- Circumcision II
- Circumcision III, Why Do They Still Resist?
- Circumcision IV and CJ's Challenge
- Circumcision Series
- CJ’s Friends Are Cursing
- Close Satan's Secret Door
- Cockatrice
- Columbus II
- Columbus III
- Columbus The Christ-Bearer
- Complaining Turns Brain to Mush
- Confusion of Face
- Cosmology Keeps Blindly Tripping Over a God-Created Cosmos (Dread the Thought!)
- Cosmology's Search for Extraterrestrials Continues
- Cosmology's Search for Extraterrestrials Continues (Part 2)
- Cosmology's Search for Extraterrestrials Continues (Part 3)
- Cosmology's Search for Extraterrestrials Continues (Part 4)
- Cosmology's Search for Extraterrestrials Series
- Cosmos Host Attacks Bible
- Could You Possess the World's Greatest Treasure?
- Created Out Of Nothing
- CRISPR: No New Thing
- Dance as They May—Young, Absolutely Young All the Way!
- Dangerous Devolution at the Door
- Dangerous Devolution at the Door II
- Dark Sentences
- Darwin's Fatal Bee Sting
- Darwin's Whale Returns with Mouth Wide Open
- DC Questions the Bible, King James, and Columbus
- Dead Men Talking About Life After Death
- Deadly Artificial Sweeteners vs. God's Honey
- Deadly Rumination--It MUST Stop!
- Death
- Death Commandments
- Death: Is It Possible to Rid Oneself of Its Dread?
- Designer’s Numbers (A Pattern of the Heavenly)
- Devil Possession & How to be Set Free (Part 2—How Satan Possesses and The Remedy)
- Devil Possession & How to be Set Free Series
- Devil Possession and How to be Set Free (Part 1)
- Dick Dawkins, A Shallow Thinker
- Did God Give Wrong Formula For Computing Circumference?
- Diet, Hygiene, Quarantine, and Hell to Pay
- Dino Eggs and Noah
- Dinosaurs Series
- Disappointed and Critical
- Division and Devils—Christ vs. Anti-Christ
- Divorce
- DNA, God’s Holy Book
- Do Not Add Or Subtract
- Dominate
- Don't Drink the Water (Part 2: The Earth Has Opened Its Mouth)
- Don't Drink the Water (Part 3: The Earth Has Opened Its Mouth)
- Don't Drink the Water Series
- Don't Feed the Devils
- Dumb and Dumber and 6,000 Years
- Dung Beetles Everywhere
- Earth Before The Sun
- Eat Butter!
- Eggs
- Elisha and the Widow
- Emailer Challenges God's Word (Part 1)
- Emailer Challenges God's Word (Part 2)
- Empowering Words
- Entropy and Time's Arrow (They Always End Up Here)
- EPA: Give the Land Its Sabbath
- Epigenetics and More Sins of the Father
- Epigenetics Meets Jesus Christ (Kiss Inheritance Fears Goodbye)
- Erasing
- Eternity Can't Get Bigger
- Ever Learning
- Everlasting Teeth
- Everything is Ours as the Children of God—Everything
- Everything Made of Words
- Evo Dancing
- Evolution Challenged by Unchangeable Truth
- Evolution Continues to Collapse -- Now What?
- Evolution is Dead -- They Just Forgot to Bury the Corpse
- Evolution Series
- Evolution's Elephant in the Living Room (Part Two)
- Evolutionists Continue to Flounder, But They Soldier On
- Evolutionists Hear Footprints
- Evolutionists Look For Curtains
- EXAMPLE OF A SERIES (Don't actually read this)
- Excavators Find 20,000 Babies in Jars
- Extraterrestrial Series
- Extreme Darkness, the Candle's Best Friend
- Ezekiel's Complete Protein—A 2,500-Year-Old Recipe
- Faith Onboard! Get Rich Beyond Wildest Dreams
- Faith vs Unbelief: All the Information You'll Need
- Far Better than Placebo Power
- Fasting and Prayer--The Power that Breaks the Yoke
- Fear and Dread
- Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
- Fearfully and Wonderfully Made II
- Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Series
- Fifty Scientists Speak
- Fire Breathing Dragons and Fiery Flying Serpents
- Five of the First Great Miracles in My Life
- Flagellum -- Past Finding Out
- Flying Reptiles -- From Dino to the Hummingbird
- Follow the Science at Your Own Peril! (Milk, Butter, Cheese, Yogurt—We Need to Mend Our Ways)
- Foodies Face Off With God (Spoiler: It Doesn’t Go Well for Them)
- Foolishness Built Upon Foolishness Equals Nothing
- For Men Only
- Fornication
- Forty Years
- Forty-Eight Hours In Hell
- Four Big, Liberating Categories
- Four Wise Men Came to My Office
- Four-part Harmony (Part 1): Who is Talking? Entering & Residing in the Secret Place
- Four-Part Harmony (Part 2): Internal Conversations, The Pantry of the Heart
- Four-Part Harmony (Part 3: The Separateness of the Soul, Purification of the Heart)
- Four-Part Harmony (Part 4: What a Conclusion!)
- Four-Part Harmony Series
- Frankincense and Your Nose
- Free Love and Sex Superbug
- Frequently Asked Questions
- From the Very First Verse (The Genesis Series, Part 1)
- Functional Power to Rewrite Epigenetic Tags (Part 1: The Sins of the Father)
- Functional Power to Rewrite Epigenetic Tags (Part 2: A Miracle of Miracles)
- G.P. — Incest and Homosexuality
- Gates of Death
- Gay Marriage
- Genesis Series, The
- Genetic Biology and 6,000 Years Again
- Genetic Faith
- Geologists Floored by Water Rock
- Give And You Shall Receive
- Giving is a God Thing (How to Amass Great Eternal Wealth)
- Go To Church: Live Longer—Even Forever
- God Calls For Fasting
- God Requires What You Can’t Handle
- God Said Capital Punishment
- God Said Give and the Perfect Interface
- God Said Olive Oil
- God's Birds, Fish, and Ants Say, "No Excuses!"
- God's Brain and Harnessing the Placebo
- God's Imprimatur and the Olive Tree
- God's Scientists Lead the Way
- God's Signature, Beyond Question
- God's Words: Design, DNA, and Penguins
- God, His Word, and Proof
- GodSaidManSaid Answers KL
- God’s Euphoria
- God’s Likeness is Big Business (The Genesis Series, Part 7)
- God’s Position on Execution
- God’s Word Prevails
- God’s Word Vindicated Again! Musicality is Built In
- Goliath
- Gordon Challenges Erasmus and King James
- Got Milk, Mama? (They Always End Up Here)
- Grudges vs. Forgiveness—Death vs. Life
- Happiness And Psychology Knocking On The Door
- Happy Are We
- Harnessing Word Power and Editing DNA
- Harnessing Words, Light, and Health
- Hauntings, Dead Spirits, and Ghosts
- He Stretched His Tent Over Us
- Heart Treatment On Its Head vs. God’s Perfect Package
- Heaven--Looking for Proof? (Let There Be No Doubt!)
- Heavy-Duty, Big-Time God
- Hell and Crime Rates Shock Researchers
- Herod Murders The Children
- Hidden Goodness You Can Find
- Historians and 911 Years
- Holy Ghost (Part Five)
- Holy Ghost (Part Four)
- Holy Ghost (Part One)
- Holy Ghost (Part Three)
- Holy Ghost (Part Two)
- Holy Ghost Series
- Homosexuality and a Way of Escape
- Homosexuality Part II
- Homosexuality Series
- Homosexuality Updated
- Homosexuality: Born That Way -- Stay That Way II -- Choices Are Being Made
- Homosexuality: Born That Way -- Stay That Way?
- Homosexuality: Born That Way—Stay That Way III—Plenty of Shame
- Homosexuality: Born That Way—Stay That Way IV—Breaking Satan's Hold
- Honey and the Finger of God
- How Much is Perfect Worth? (Yes, You Can be Perfect!)
- How Much Would That Be Worth?
- How to Spot Pseudoscience
- Howard Questions Faith — Proof and Purpose
- Human Body Designed to be Possessed
- Humans Prewired from Birth to Read (Mr. Evolutionist: How did that evolve, by the way?!)
- Hung Upon Nothing
- Hydrologic Cycle Says Yes To God
- I Am Trying To Find A Church Out Here!
- I Change Not
- I Want to Live Forever (But I Don’t Want No Jesus)
- Ice Cores and the Age of the Earth
- If Deep Passions Exist, Men Will Challenge 2+2 = 4
- If You Want to be Happy for the Rest of Your Life
- Imaginations of the Thoughts
- Imitation Gods
- Imitation Gods II
- Imitation Gods Series
- Immortal Light
- Immortality Keeps on Knocking - Part 1
- Immortality Keeps on Knocking - Part 2 (It Happened on the Inside)
- Immortality Keeps on Knocking - Part 3 (It Happened on the Outside)
- Immortality Keeps on Knocking - Part 4 (Immortality Returns)
- Immortality Keeps on Knocking Series
- In Jesus’s Name
- In Six Days: Yes
- In The Beginning (Part Four)
- In The Beginning (Part One)
- In The Beginning (Part Three)
- In The Beginning (Part Two)
- In The Beginning Series
- In Vitro Fertilization, Surrogacy, Adoption
- Incest
- Info Briefs
- Info Briefs Part II
- Info Briefs Part III
- Info Briefs Series
- Information Outreach
- Instant Genius
- INSTANT REPLAY #2 -- Print this and carry with you
- INSTANT REPLAY #3 -- Print this and carry with you
- Inversely Proportional: Staggering Proof!
- Irrelevant Challenges GodSaidManSaid
- IS
- Is America a Christian Nation (Part Four)?
- Is America A Christian Nation? — Part One
- Is America A Christian Nation? — Part Three
- Is America A Christian Nation? — Part Two
- Is Earth the Center of the Universe?
- Is Immortality Knocking?
- Is There Life in Outer Space?
- Israel — Garden of God
- It Is Just Pure Chance (If the Discoveries of Life Seem to Endorse God’s Word)
- It Is Just Pure Chance (Part II)
- It Is Just Pure Chance (Part III)
- It Is Just Pure Chance (Part IV)
- It Is Just Pure Chance (Part IX)
- It Is Just Pure Chance (Part V)
- It Is Just Pure Chance (Part VI)
- It Is Just Pure Chance (Part VII)
- It Is Just Pure Chance (Part VIII)
- It Is Just Pure Chance (Part X)
- It Is Just Pure Chance (Part XI)
- It Is Just Pure Chance (Part XII)
- It is Just Pure Chance (Part XIII)
- It is Just Pure Chance (Part XIV)
- It Is Just Pure Chance Series
- It's a Matter of Perspective
- It's Just Fake News
- Its Not What Goes In But What Comes Out That Defiles
- It’s All Related: 912, Dragons, and Judgment
- It’s Called Flourishing (Sound Familiar?)
- Jacob Sheep
- James Webb Space Telescope (Somebody really has it Wrong!)
- Jehova vs. Yahweh
- Jesus and Politics — Should I Vote?
- Jesus Christ, the Singularity (Part 1)
- Jesus Christ, the Singularity (Part 2)
- Jesus Christ, the Singularity (Part 3)
- JP Brings His Argument To GodSaidManSaid
- Just Can't Dodge All the Living Fossils
- Just One Book and Trans-Fat Pandemic (The Remedy Follows)
- Just Two Questions (Ask and Become Exceedingly Rich!)
- KDKA Radio Interview
- Keep Seed Alive
- Kill Stress Now! You Can Do It!
- King Cyrus and the Minimalist
- King James Scholarship
- King James Scholarship II
- King James Scholarship Series
- King James Version, Apocrypha, Septuagint, Canon
- Kiss Those Panic Attacks Good-Bye (Part One)
- Kiss Those Panic Attacks Good-Bye (Part Two)
- Kiss Those Panic Attacks Good-Bye Series
- Language of Light
- Leaves for the Healing of the Nations
- Lest He Reprove Thee, And Thou Be Found A Liar
- Let Not The Sun Go Down Upon Your Wrath
- Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So
- Let There Be Light (The Genesis Series, Part 2)
- Let Us Break Their Bands Asunder
- Let's Change Our Brains
- Lies and Deceptions, the Adamic Way
- Life after Death? Heaven? Yes & Yes!
- Life Light, Death Light
- Life Series
- Life Series — Part Five —Dominant Victory
- Life Series — Part Four — Learning To Talk (Session One)
- Life Series — Part Four —- Learning To Talk (Session Two)
- Life Series — Part One -- Who Is God?
- Life Series — Part Three — A Blessable Place
- Life Series — Part Two — Who Am I?
- Light of Thy Countenance
- Light Series
- Light Series (Part 1: A Strange Grouping of Words)
- Light Series (Part 2: Words & Light)
- Light Series (Part 3: The Saints' Inheritance in Light)
- Light Series (Part 4: I AM THAT I AM)
- Literal Bones
- Literal Interpretation Stands—All Creation Sings!
- Living Proof Knocks Atheists on their Ears
- Living Veneer
- Locusts and Wild Honey
- Looking and Listening in All the Wrong Places: 16 Times We Didn’t Find ET
- Lot’s Wife
- Low IQ Among Christians
- Lucifer
- M Challenges Thermodynamics
- Madagascar, Floating Islands, and Noah
- Male Circumcision, A Living Commandment: "When Thou Wast in Thy Blood"
- Man Changes God’s Words and Becomes A Liar
- Man From Dirt Updated
- Man Looks for Another Way: Godless Immortality Remains an Illusion
- Man Said Flush It
- Man's Ever-Changing Truth: Big Bang Becomes Big Bounce
- Man’s Milk Linked To Cancer
- Margarine and Nutritional Armageddon
- Marijuana Ravages the Globe while Satan's Destroyers Defend
- Marriage Counseling (Part 1 - All the Information You''ll Ever Need)
- Marriage Counseling (Part 2 - All the Information You''ll Need to Know)
- Marriage Counseling (Part 3 - All the Information You''ll Need to Know)
- Marriage Counseling Series
- Marvin — Dinosaurs and Fossils
- Match Made in Heaven Series
- Meditation Gives Life
- Meditation Rebuilds Grey Matter in 8 Weeks (My Soul is Continually in My Hand)
- Meditation, Prayer, Church, and Words Make Big News, Again!
- Men and Chimps, 98%! Oops!
- Men and Women — A Matter of Design
- Mental/Spiritual Disorders
- Milk — Man Leads The World Astray, Again
- Miss H. Makes Second Greatest Decision
- Mitochondrial DNA and a Young First Man and First Woman
- Mom and Keepers at Home
- Moms: Your Kids are What You Eat
- Monkeys and Chance
- More 6,000-Year-Old Earth
- More Alcohol, Less Brain (Part 1)
- More Alcohol, Less Brain (Part 2)
- More Alcohol, Less Brain Series
- More Holy Ghost & Your Belly
- More Life-Enhancing Information Pours In!
- More than Astounding (Because This Pleases the Father)
- More than Astounding (Because This Pleases the Father), Part 2
- More Weird and Wonderful Discoveries
- MORE: Fallen Sons of God, Giants & Men of Renown, Ghost Species
- Mother's Breast is By Far the Best
- Mothers' Breast Milk a Miracle Elixir
- Mountains of Uncertainty (But Not for the Blood-Bought)
- Mountains Upside Down
- Ms. A. Said Absolutely Ridiculous!
- Murmuring, Complaining, Griping and the Curse
- Music Power
- Mutations
- Nation Building
- Neanderthal Man
- Nebuchadnezzar
- Neurological Realities of Speaking in Tongues
- New Discoveries Debunk One of the Last Vestigials
- New Lie Detector, Old News
- New Research Says: Let Not the Sun Go Down Upon Your Wrath
- New Science Says Bible True, Again
- Newton and Boyle Fear God
- No More Time!
- No New Thing
- Noah & Humans in Outer Space
- Noah and Chicxulub
- Noah Dominates the Dialogue
- Noah's Goats
- Noah, Zircons, and Earth's Missing Chapter
- Noah’s Hell Creek Knocks Uniformitarians on Their Ears
- Nocebo, Placebo, and You
- Nocebo--Deadly in So Many Ways! How to Turn It Around Immediately
- Nose and Smell
- Nostrils & Soul (The Genesis Series, Part 11)
- Nostrils and the Breath of Life
- Not Red in Tooth or Claw—not at first, anyway (The Genesis Series, Part 8)
- Now You Have The Record
- Oh! What a Cross! What a Christ!
- Olive Oil
- Olive Oil and Its Secrets
- Olive Oil Series
- One Flesh
- One Hundred Fifty Three
- One Hundred Twenty Years
- One Long Missing Day and the Cry of the Skeptics
- One of Year's Top Science Stories Says Yes!
- Only the Lonely (The Remedy for the Epidemic)
- Open God's Gates of Plenty (Jacob Leads the Way)
- Our Neighbor, the Neanderthal
- Out-of-Body and Near-Death Experiences and the Skeptics
- Out-of-Body Experience
- Outer Darkness
- Outside Source and the Quantum
- Pandemic? You are in Control (Much More than You Can Imagine)
- Pandemics: Drop Out & Tune In
- Past Finding Out
- Pastor AJ Contends With King James
- Pastor T and the KJV
- Paths in the Sea
- Peking Man Is Not Who They Say He Is
- People Are Eating from the Tree of Life For Real!
- Perfect Diet Series
- Pergamos — Where Satan Dwelleth
- PETA Gets Involved (AI & Bible Translations)
- Pigs and Brains
- Pigs Deadly as Cigarettes—And a Whole Lot More!
- Points To Ponder
- Poor Design? You Decide
- POWER PAGE -- Knock Out Rough Situations!
- Prayer Power and the Quantum
- Prelude to Information — Evolution’s Elephant in the Living Room
- Psalm 14:1: The Fool Hath Said in His Heart, There is No God
- Pseudo-Science Holocaust Deniers
- Psychology, Godliness, and Dredging
- Q&A: Deep Calleth Unto Deep
- QandA
- QandA, Between Crucifixion and Resurrection, Evil In the World, the Virgin Mary
- QandA, Sinner's Prayer, Jesus the Carpenter, Advertising and the Bible
- QandA, The Supreme Divinity
- QandA: Bastardy, Languages, Babel, Dragons
- QandA: BC’s Challenge
- QandA: Can I Marry Him?
- QandA: Good Stewardship, Fishers of Men, Backsliding, God’s Forgiveness, Feeling Salvation
- QandA: Homosexuality
- QandA: Homosexuality, Family Dining, Modern Prophets, GSMS
- QandA: Incest
- QandA: Koalas and Lineage
- QandA: New World Order, Free Will
- QandA: Pornography, General Sin, Protection
- QandA: Purgatory
- QandA: Resurrection
- QandA: Sabbath and Sex
- QandA: Salvation, Fortunetellers, Mind Reading, Body of Christ
- QandA: Should a Christian Take Up Arms?
- QandA: The Great Controversy
- QandA: The Woman in Revelation 12, Cigarettes, Missing Day
- QandA: Those Who Never Heard, Noah’s Insects
- QandA: Was Jesus Biologically Human? Was Jesus in Hell? The Difference Between Paradise and Heaven.
- QandA: What About the Bible Code?
- Quantum Physics Meets the Words of God
- Quantum Physics Meets the Words of God (Part II)
- Quantum Physics Meets the Words of God (Part III)
- Quantum Physics Meets the Words of God Series
- Quarantine
- Questions
- Radiometric Dating and 6,000 Years — Part One
- Radiometric Dating and 6,000 Years — Part Three
- Radiometric Dating and 6,000 Years — Part Two
- Radiometric Dating and 6,000 Years Series
- Raw Honey -- Get In Line!
- Recycled Mud
- Red-Faced Befuddlement
- Religion: The Opium of the People?
- Rest From Stress
- Romance in Your Marriage
- Round Earth and Christopher Columbus
- Ryan Challenges God
- Salt is Good
- Salt Shocks World
- Satan's Champions Have Gone to the Dogs
- Satan's Champions Inadvertently Certify Holy Writ
- Satan's Minions Chip Away (Because That's What Satan's Minions Do)
- Science and Fat Milk
- Science and Getting Ready to Die
- Science And Hearing The Voice of God
- Science and Life After Death
- Science and Six Days
- Science at the Door (They Keep On Knocking But They Can't Come In)
- Science Flummoxed by What Was Found in Female Brains
- Science Forced to Reverse Position—Again!
- Science Illuminated by Light and Words
- Science Looking for God’s Eraser
- Science Seeks 4th Dimension and the Children Are Already There
- Science’s Plan To Escape Universe’s End
- Scientific American and the Facts & Authority They Don’t Own
- Scientists Come Out of the Closet
- Scientists Shocked to Find God in Implicit Pattern Learning (But It’s Bigger than That)
- Scientists Study Speaking In Tongues
- Secrets and Demonstrations of Power-Speaking
- Sedimentation, Fossils, and a Lens
- Seed of Copulation
- Seeking Another Way
- Seeking Another Way (Lines are Clearly Drawn)
- Senses Exercised
- Seven Pillars and Strange and Peculiar Groupings of Words
- Sex and Abstinence
- Sexual Perversion: An Unclean Spirit
- Shifting Stress
- Ship, Come Alive! (39,154,267,815 New Cells on Board)
- Shocking Raw Milk
- Shocking Truth! Internalized Words are Converted to Light
- Should My Baby Be Breast-Fed?
- Should Your Child be Circumcised? (40 Centuries Ago, God Said Yes; Welcome to Sunday School)
- Sigmund Freud vs. God’s Word
- Sin and Sickness Connected at the Hip
- Sin Bones
- Singularity Series
- Six 24-Hour Days
- Six Thousand Years From Adam Til Today
- Six Thousand-Year-Old Earth Proven Again
- Skeptics, Music, God
- Sky Water, Immortality, Plus 1,000 Years and 120 Years
- Sleep Power
- Slime to Man — Why?
- Smell
- Sodom and Gomorrah
- Solution for Killer Stress
- Solutions For Deadly Times
- Some of the Greatest Principles of All Time Series
- Some of the Greatest Principles of All Time – Part One – Brains and Words
- Some of the Greatest Principles of All Time – Part Two – Setting the Table
- Some of the Greatest Principles of All Time, Part Three, Harnessing the Supernatural Power of Words
- Something's Happening When You Sleep
- Song of the Soul Set Free (Satan & His Devils are Terrified)
- Sowing and Reaping
- Spanish Translators Needed!
- Speaking in Tongues & the Supreme Court (Critical Power for Deep Darkness)
- Speaking To and Getting Measurable Results From the Extraterrestrial — Part One
- Speaking To and Getting Measurable Results From the Extraterrestrial — Part Two
- Speaking To Extraterrestrials
- Special Report: Immortality!
- Spiritual/Physical Connectivity and the Olive Tree
- Split Down the Middle and Choosing Sides
- Split the Baby in Half and Grey Matter During Pregnancy
- Springs of the Sea
- Springs, Paths, Lightning of the Thunder: I Need to Know It's True
- St. Peter’s Fish
- Stacks Upon Stacks (New Evidence Pours in Confirming Noah & the Flood)
- Staggering Truth Only the Children Can Know (The Genesis Series, Part 4)
- Staggeringly Literal – Clean Hands, Pure Hearts, and Darkness
- Starlight and the Age of the Universe
- Stars, Sand, and Abraham
- Start Talking
- Stealth Attack-Land and Its Sabbath - Honeybees
- Stillborn Dilemma
- Strange and Miraculous Words
- Strange and Peculiar Groupings of Words and Your Life Light
- Stumbling at Noonday
- Suicide
- Supernatural Meditation—Not Belly Buttons & Vain Repetition
- Swine — The Other White Meat (Update)
- Swine -- The Other White Meat
- Swine, The Series
- Sydney, Australia Radio Interview
- Systems Science and John 17
- Take the Handcuffs Off God!
- Talking Dinosaurs
- Tattoos and Body Piercing
- Teleportation? Late Again
- Terra Damnata & the Strong Force (God’s Words Vindicated again & Again!)
- The 4th Dimension
- The 6,000s (Part 1)
- The 6,000s (Part 2: Noah Boards Ark, Sunday, Dec. 7, 2349 BC)
- The 6,000s (Part 3: A Spirit of Strong Delusion)
- The 6,000s (Part 4: Adam & Eve Found; They Are Young!)
- The 6,000s (Part 5: It’s for the Birds)
- The 6,000s (Part 6: A Flood of Fossils)
- The 6,000s (Part 7: Dating Methods' Fake News)
- The 6,000s (Part 8: The Record is Inescapable)
- The 6,000s (Part 9: The Conclusion)
- The 6,000s Series
- The Adultery Test
- The Adultery Test (Part 2)
- The Airplanes That Defied Modern Ice Core Dating
- The Amazing Parallels and the Theory of Everything
- The Amazing Parallels and the Theory of Everything — Part II
- The Amazing Parallels and the Theory of Everything -- Part III
- The Amazing Parallels and the Theory of Everything Series
- The Amazing Power of Going to Church
- The Amazing Word of God -- Updates -- Circumcision, Pigs, Church, Breast-Feeding
- The Anthropic Principle & Copernicus are Knock, Knock, Knocking at Heaven's Door
- The Beast of Obesity and God's Solution
- The Bible—Get One!
- The Bizarre 180
- The Blood & the Singularity
- The Born-Again Are A New Kind
- The Bottomless Pit
- The Bright & Morning Star, and You
- The Cardinal Law: We Reap What We Sow (60% of US Human Waste Spread on Crops)
- The Common Truth
- The Confusion is Enormous
- The Contrast is Glaring (Reprobates in High Places)
- The Coronavirus: You Won't Believe It!
- The Cross and Laminin
- The Curse of Alcohol
- The Dead Speak
- The Deathbed, the Great Equalizer: Last Words Tell All
- The Deceivableness of Unrighteousness and 6,000 Years
- The Devils Feast on Fear (Don't Feed those Damnable Devils)
- The Difference Between Clean and Unclean
- The Difference Is Life
- The Dirt You Eat
- The Earth To Be Inhabited
- The End from the Beginning (Father, What Would You do if You Were Me?)
- The Era of Chimp To Man Is Over
- The Evidence Says God Over and Over and Over Again
- The Evo God Gives All the Wrong Answers
- The Eye Is The Light of The Body
- The Eyes Have It (When the Devil Leads, Dumbo Follows)
- The Faith God and 6,000 Years
- The Fasting Miracle
- The Fat Epidemic
- The First Law of Thermodynamics Puts the Anti-God Crowd in Quite a Bind
- The First Man Speaks
- The Fool
- The Formula for Killing Stress
- The Foundation Rock
- The Four-Day Economic Miracle
- The Fruits of Homosexuality
- The Global Flood—Dare to Challenge
- The God of the Academics Can't Get It Done
- The Grand Canyon — Is It Just Over 6,000 Years Old?
- The Great Commandment
- The Greatest Mystery of All Time
- The Heart
- The Heart & Red Faces (You Need to Hear This)
- The Heart Series, Part Five
- The Heart Series, Part Four
- The Heart Series, Part One
- The Heart Series, Part Three
- The Heart Series, Part Two
- The Heart, The Series
- The Hidden Secrets of Olive Oil (When God Says Yes, 10,000 Shout No)
- The Holy Ghost and Your Belly
- The Image of God Poured Down the Drain: To Slime Shall You Return
- The Insomnia Solution (Science Once Again Confirms Bible)
- The Inverted Retina
- The Invisible — Knock, Knock, Knocking on Heaven’s Door
- The Invisible God and His Invisible Kingdom
- The Invisible Kingdom
- The King's Highway
- The Kings of the Bible Debunk Skeptics
- The Land, Its Sabbath, and Your Table
- The Law and Sabbath (Part One)
- The Law and Sabbath (Part Two)
- The Law and Sabbath Series
- The Laws of Sowing, Reaping, and Unintended Consequences
- The Legal Mechanism and Pandemics
- The Legal Mechanism and Pandemics Part II
- The Legal Mechanism and Pandemics Part III
- The Legal Mechanism and Pandemics Series
- The Light of the World
- The Literal Difference Is Staggering (Part II)
- The Literal Difference Is Staggering (Part III)
- The Literal Difference Is Staggering (Part IV)
- The Literal Difference Is Staggering (Part One)
- The Literal Difference Is Staggering (Part V)
- The Literal Difference Is Staggering (Part VI)
- The Literal Difference Is Staggering Series
- The Matrix: They Always End Up Here
- The Measure of Faith
- The Minimalists Attacking Moses Are Minimalized
- The Miracle Greater Than the Creation of the Universe
- The Miracle Greater Than the Creation of the Universe — Part II
- The Miracle Greater Than the Creation of the Universe Series
- The Mold Epidemic and God’s Perfect Prescription
- The Moon that Rules the Night
- The Mystery of a Body Filled With Light (Part 2)
- The Mystery of Every Idle Word
- The Mystery of One Flesh (Sex, Sperm, & Human Neurochemicals)
- The Mystery of the Second Law
- The Mystery of Why They End Up Here
- The Nostrils, The Angels, Talking to Extraterrestrials, and the Miracle of the Garbage Can
- The Number Seven
- The One Hundred Eighty-Five Thousand of Sennacherib
- The Other Side of Life
- The Peppered Moth
- The Perfect Diet (Updated)
- The Perfect Penal System
- The Pig Came Knocking
- The Pig on the Plate
- The Plastic Brain
- The Power of Prayer
- The Power of Sex and One Flesh
- The Primacy of Seven (The Genesis Series, Part 9)
- The Proof is in the Difference
- The Revelation of Seven
- The Secret of Self-Destruction
- The Secret that Will Make You Richer than a Trillionaire
- The Seven Greatest Mysteries for a Man to Know (Part 1: Prelude)
- The Seven Greatest Mysteries for a Man to Know (Part 2: Invitation)
- The Seven Greatest Mysteries for a Man to Know (Part 3: The Mystery of Words)
- The Seven Greatest Mysteries for a Man to Know (Part 4: The Mystery of Calvary's Blood)
- The Seven Greatest Mysteries for a Man to Know (Part 5: The Mystery of Godliness)
- The Seven Greatest Mysteries for a Man to Know (Part 6: The Mystery of Christ & the Church, Part II)
- The Seven Greatest Mysteries for a Man to Know (Part 6: The Mystery of Marriage, I)
- The Seven Greatest Mysteries for a Man to Know (Part 7: The Mystery of Life after Death)
- The Seven Greatest Mysteries for a Man to Know Series
- The Sins of the Father
- The Spark of Life: A Strange Grouping of Words
- The Spirit of Strong Delusion: They Find Ways to Doubt
- The Star of David
- The Superhuman Brain
- The Superhuman Brain II
- The Superhuman Brain Series
- The Supernatural Human Elixir
- The Theory of Everything — Reading the Mind of God
- The Thumb Print of God — The Day My Sister Died
- The Tree of Life
- The Truth Remains True — Pigs — Lot’s Wife — Flush It
- The Truth Shall Set You Free and Marshmallows
- The Ubiquitous Noah
- The Ubiquitous Proof of the Curse
- The Ubiquitous Serpent Eats Dirt
- The Ultimate Benefit Package (The Science is In)
- The Ultimate Primacy of Words (1: A Book Has been Written About You, for Real!)
- The Ultimate Primacy of Words (2: Words Make Things)
- The Ultimate Primacy of Words (3: Sinless)
- The Ultimate Primacy of Words (4: Binding & Loosing)
- The Ultimate Primacy of Words Series
- The Undeniable Allness of Christ Defies Enemies of the Cross
- The Voice of Thy Brother's Blood
- The Wages of Sin — Part Four — Conclusion
- The Wages of Sin — Part Three
- The Wages of Sin — Part Two
- The Wages of Sin — Prepare To Be Shocked
- The Wages of Sin Series
- The War on Science—It's Not What You Think
- The Water of Separation
- The World’s Great Minds On The Bible
- The Worms from Hell
- The Yoke, the Burden, and the Stress
- Their Imaginations Became Vain
- They Can't Handle the Truth
- They Know Not At What They Stumble
- They Look up to the Heavens by: Vincent Rondenelli
- They Pierced My Hands and Feet and the Jewish Rabbi
- Things Strangled
- Three and a Half Years
- Time Shall Be No More
- Time, Chance, and God Odds
- Trans-Fats’ Wrong Door
- Tree of Life Found: The Master Saith Come and Dine
- Tree of Life Now Found!
- Trees Now and Forever
- Triceratops and More Soft Tissue Shout YES to Young Earth
- True Soul Music
- Truth Knows No Opinion
- Twenty-One Signs of Doomsday (Update L--Dinosaurs, Hummingbirds, & the Spirit of Strong Delusion)
- Twenty-One Signs of Doomsday (Update LIX--Nowhere to Hide)
- Twenty-One Signs of Doomsday (Update XLII)—Another Way, Part 3
- Two Adams: An Amazing Story (Everything That We Experience Sits in Between the Two Adams)
- Two Adams: An Amazing Story (Part II)
- UK’s Daily Mail claims: “Humans will Achieve Immortality in Eight Years!”
- Unashamed: The Beautiful Book and 6,000 Years
- Unchanging Truth
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XIX)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XL)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XLI)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XLII)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XLIII)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XLIV: Your Coupon for Immortality Enclosed)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XLV)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XLVI)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XLVII)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XVI)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XVII)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XVIII)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XX)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XXI)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XXII)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XXIII)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XXIV)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XXIX)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XXV)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XXVI)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XXVII)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XXVIII)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XXX)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XXXI)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XXXII)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XXXIII)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XXXIV)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XXXIX)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XXXV)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XXXVI)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XXXVII)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot & Every Tittle (XXXVIII)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot and Every Tittle (I)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot and Every Tittle (II)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot and Every Tittle (III)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot and Every Tittle (IV)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot and Every Tittle (IX)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot and Every Tittle (V)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot and Every Tittle (VI)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot and Every Tittle (VII)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot and Every Tittle (VIII)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot and Every Tittle (X)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot and Every Tittle (XI)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot and Every Tittle (XII)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot and Every Tittle (XIII)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot and Every Tittle (XIV)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot and Every Tittle (XV)
- Undeniable Proof—Every Jot and Every Tittle Series
- Undeniable Proof--Every Jot & Every Tittle (Update L)
- Undeniable Proof--Every Jot & Every Tittle (Update LI)
- Undeniable Proof--Every Jot & Every Tittle (Update LII)
- Undeniable Proof--Every Jot & Every Tittle (Update LIII)
- Undeniable Proof--Every Jot & Every Tittle (Update LIV)
- Undeniable Proof--Every Jot & Every Tittle (Update LV)
- Undeniable Proof--Every Jot & Every Tittle (Update LVI)
- Undeniable Proof--Every Jot & Every Tittle (Update LVII)
- Undeniable Proof--Every Jot & Every Tittle (Update XLIV)
- Undeniable Proof--Every Jot & Every Tittle (Update XLVIII--Jesus Didn''t Get It Wrong)
- Unearthly Abilities
- Unlock and Develop God's Brain Power
- Unlock Holy Ghost Pharmacy -- It's Real!
- Update — Vestigial Organs and Circumcision
- Upside-Down
- US Colleges New Mental Institutions
- US Supreme Court Justice Accused of Having FDS
- Vestigial Landmine Explosion
- Vestigials
- Vestigials and Wisdom Teeth
- Want a Longer, Healthier Life? Science Says Go to Church!
- Was There a Garden of Eden?—Yes! (The Genesis Series, Part 12)
- Water Buffalo, Demoted (The Genesis Series, Part 6)
- Water Douses Big Bang
- Water Shocker Confirms Genesis
- Water World
- WB and Free Will
- WB Asks How Can A Loving God Destroy Billions? You Will Be Shocked By The Answer
- We Will Kill Leona When She Gets Home—so the Devils Said
- Weight for the Winds
- What Color was Adam?
- What Do They Really Know to be True? Very Fake News, Indeed!
- What Does Faith Look Like?
- What God Said About Interracial Marriages
- What the World Needs Now—Casting Out Devils
- What Was Said Behind “Closed” Doors (Impossible! Absurd! Stupid!)
- When Facts Replace Theory: The Neanderthal Next Door
- When God Builds a Nation (Part 1)
- When God Builds a Nation (Part 2 - It is the Morality, Stupid)
- When Truth is Truth (Part One)
- When Truth is Truth (Part Two)
- Where Are the Inspired Truths of Genesis?
- Where Did Cain Get His Wife?
- Which Bible?
- Which Bible? (Updated) Part I
- Which Bible? (Updated) Part II
- Which Bible? (Updated) Series
- Which Religion is the Truth? (Part 1: Shocking, but True!)
- Which Religion is the Truth? (Part 2: The Tree is Known by Its Fruit)
- Which Religion is the Truth? (Part 3: True Religion is a Book, but Which?)
- Which Religion is the Truth? (A Shocking Series!)
- Which Religion?
- Who Killed All The People?
- Who Killed All the People? (Olive Oil Back in the News)
- Who Salted The Dig?
- Whole Milk: There is No Substitute
- Whole Wheat — Get In Line!
- Whopper Sand and Head Burial
- Whoredom
- Whore’s Forehead
- Why Amish Are Immune to Allergies and Asthma
- Why Is The Black Man Black and White Man White?
- Why Must Every Book Bow (Part 1)
- Why Must Every Book Bow (Part 2)
- Why the Blood of Jesus?
- WHY: Part 2, the Virgin Birth
- WHY: Part 3, Mutations Missing
- WHY: Part 4, First & Last Adam (You Are in This Story)
- WHY: Part 5, Downloading
- WHY: The Christ, The Cross, the Blood, the Virgin Birth, and the Last Adam
- WHY? Series (the Christ, the Cross, the Blood, the Virgin Birth, and the Last Adam)
- Wicked Thoughts and How to Deal with Them
- Wine
- Wine II
- Wine is a Mocker; Strong Drink is Raging
- Wisdom In The Inward Parts
- Wisdom Teeth — What They Didn’t Tell You
- Wisdom, Knowledge, Words Create Matter—Absolutely Shocking, but True!
- Witches—Satanists—Occult
- Word Secrets
- Words and Neuropeptides
- Words Are Like Seeds: When Planted, They Will Bear Fruit (Part 1)
- Words of Amazement — Words We Must Master
- Y Chromosome Adam—and God's Children Are Already There
- Yeast Infections and Seven Days
- Yes No Yes No
- You Better Believe God is Right (Circumcision's Global Meta study)
- You Can Be a Brain Surgeon
- You Can Run but You Can't Hide: The Global Flood
- You Choose: The Image of God vs. Amoeba Dung
- You Will Not Believe What They Discovered
- Young Blood: Science Once Again Knocking on Heaven's Door
- Young Earth Over and Over Again
- Young Earth Series
- Young Keeps On Rolling
- Young Keeps Pouring In
- Young! Young! Young!
- Zircons and Deceivableness of Unrighteousness
- … He Made the Stars Also (The Genesis Series, Part 5)
- …Unto Dust Shalt Thou Return (The Genesis Series, Part 10)
- “Things We Know to be True:” "Scientific American" Challenges God (Part 2)
Featured Audios
- The 6,000s (Part 4: Adam & Eve Found; They Are Young!)
- Meditation Rebuilds Grey Matter in 8 Weeks (My Soul is Continually in My Hand)
- Fasting and Prayer--The Power that Breaks the Yoke
- The Worms from Hell
- The Truth Remains True — Pigs — Lot’s Wife — Flush It
- Why the Blood of Jesus?
- Dead Men Talking About Life After Death
- Heaven--Looking for Proof? (Let There Be No Doubt!)
- Wicked Thoughts and How to Deal with Them
- Sodom and Gomorrah
Power Verse
Isaiah 30:1 (KJV)
Woe to the rebellious children, saith the Lord; that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin: