God Said Man Said

Seed of Copulation

More than half of sexually active adults over age thirty-five will acquire one or more sexually transmitted diseases at some point in their lives. Long term effects may be devastating and can include infertility, premature births, and death. There are over twenty sexually transmitted infections that are known, sometimes called VD (Venereal Disease) after the goddess of love, Venus. Although some STD’s are no more than a minor nuisance, others can cause significant pain and discomfort and can become chronic. Some STD’s are curable, others are not. Some can cause cancer, some can result in death.
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Seed of Copulation

Article#: 683

We're so glad you've come to this Thursday's weekly webcast. Every Thursday a brand new proof that God is, and that He authored the scriptures, is showcased. If you're not aware of this website feature, please note the "listen" button on your screen. Simply hit the listen button and after a few seconds of buffering, your computer speakers will begin streaming audio. Get a cup of tea, put your feet up and just listen. May God bless your heart with what the spirit saith unto the church.

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To me the words of God found in your majority-text Authorized King James bible are glorious to behold and ever a source of wonder. Regardless of what is penned, it is always accurate, always dependable and fully functional. One Jewish position about the Bible is that they obey the commandments not because they can scientifically validate each one but simply because of their faith in God. That is an accurate statement. This site does not pretend to replace faith but to certify faith in the hearts of men and give soul-winning believers a plethora of ammunition to use in the battle for the souls of men. A man once said that God's word didn't need to be proven, but God in fact says to the contrary. Just one of many verses is I Thessalonians, Chapter 5, Verse 21:

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

Every commandment of God is true and righteous altogether and now after thousands of years, commandment after commandment is being validated by science as what it has always been...the unabridged truth.

GOD SAID in Leviticus, Chapter 15, Verses 16-18:

16 And if any man's seed of copulation go out from him, then he shall wash all his flesh in water, and be unclean until the even.

17 And every garment, and every skin, whereon is the seed of copulation, shall be washed with water, and be unclean until the even.

18 The woman also with whom man shall lie with seed of copulation, they shall both bathe themselves in water, and be unclean until the even.

God's directive is that the seed of copulation or semen must be washed off the body and off clothing, bed sheets, etc., and the man and the woman would be unclean until the evening.

MAN SAID the Bible is irrelevant or that its words are not to be taken literally because it was written by man to serve as a crutch of life.

Now THE RECORD. On a lifestyles website, Dr. L. C. Weston defines semen or the seed of copulation as follows:

In addition to sperm, the main components of semen are: water, simple sugars (which feed and fuel the sperm), alkaline substances (which neutralize the acidity of man's urethra and a woman's vagina), prostaglandin (substances that aid the passage of the sperm into the uterus causing it and the Fallopian tubes to contract), vitamin C, zinc and some cholesterol.

With the identification of a new menace in 1981, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), two words took on new meaning, "body fluids." Panic struck for the rest of the eighties, into the nineties and extending to today. According to Luc Montagnier, co-discoverer of HIV, in his book, Virus, close to fourteen million people had died of AIDS in the world by 1998. Also, an estimated thirty-three million more adults and children are living with HIV infection. In 1998, sixteen thousand new infections materialized per day.

In Lisa Marr MD's book, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, more than half of sexually active adults over age thirty-five will acquire one or more sexually transmitted diseases at some point in their lives. Long term effects may be devastating and can include infertility, premature births, and death. There are over twenty sexually transmitted infections that are known, sometimes called VD (Venereal Disease) after the goddess of love, Venus. Although some STD's are no more than a minor nuisance, others can cause significant pain and discomfort and can become chronic. Some STD's are curable, others are not. Some can cause cancer, some can result in death.

Body fluids of course which include semen are a serious problem in the passage of many devastating communicable diseases. Expect to see more horrific sexually transmitted diseases in the future...a whole lot more. For more information about STD's, click on to "Bestiality" on this website.

Long before...thousands of years before...the idea of microscopes and microorganisms and many of their devastating fruits were discovered, God gave commandments, safeguards. Unfortunately, man disobeyed and continues to disobey them.

Sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis and AIDS are passed on to another individual through infected body fluids such as semen (seed of copulation), vaginal/cervical secretions, breast milk and blood.

Once a pathogen, which is an organism that causes disease, leaves its host it must hitch a ride to a new host. Body fluids are one way. Some infections such as diphtheria and the common cold can be spread through clothing, handkerchiefs or utensils. Thus God's directive to wash all clothing and bedclothes, etc., which semen has contaminated. Many pathogens such as HIV do not live well outside the body. They are easily killed in numerous ways including washing with hand soap. Leviticus, Chapter 15, Verse 18;

The woman also with whom man shall lie with seed of copulation, they shall both bathe themselves in water, and be unclean until the even.

Also note God's directive to quarantine the contaminated people. They were unclean until even which means they were separated from contact with the rest of the community and in this particular case until the evening.

The safeguards that God put in place concerning the seed of copulation such as body bathing, garment washing and quarantine were all designed to break the chain of infection. The commandments were given to break the chain of infection. This wisdom concerning protecting oneself and the community against communicable disease, especially in regard to body fluids has just recently become mainstream understanding.

I am certain there are various other beneficial reasons for cleansing away the unwanted seed of copulation. As time goes by the supernatural genius of God's directive will continue to be more and more apparent.

GOD SAID, thousands of years before man knew the reason why, to wash the seed of copulation from the body, from garments and skins and for the contaminated people and garments to be unclean until the evening.

MAN SAID the Bible is irrelevant or that its words are not to be taken literally because it was written by man to serve as a crutch of life.

Now you have THE RECORD.



King James Bible

Weston, L. C., PhD, "Sex Matters Archive," http://onhealth.com, May 13, 1999.


Grolier Wellness Encyclopedia, "Defense Against Disease."

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