God Said Man Said

Jesus and Politics — Should I Vote?

As most visitors to GodSaidManSaid know, we are a United States-based organization. Presently in the U.S., we have a two-party political system which allows us to elect our leaders. The two dominant parties are those of the Democrats and the Republicans.

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Jesus and Politics — Should I Vote?

Article#: 1056

The following e‑mail came from Bruce:

I’m trying to find Biblical passages concerning our duty to vote for our leaders. Some say there aren’t any and thus we don’t need to vote. Can this be so? I can’t accept that. Please help! [End of quote]

As most visitors to GodSaidManSaid know, we are a United States‑based organization. Presently in the U.S., we have a two‑party political system which allows us to elect our leaders. The two dominant parties are those of the Democrats and the Republicans. GodSaidManSaid does not endorse a political party, but we surely do have a political position.

In this country, which was created by God through Jesus Christ, and which was discovered, formed, and developed in the name of Jesus Christ, we have been empowered to vote as citizens of this country by the U.S. Constitution and its edicts. This God‑conscious constitution establishes a type of self‑rule of the majority and individual rights of the minority. One primary way we exercise our rights is via the vote. Political leaders desiring elected office must woo a citizen’s vote. Each vote counts. If the Christian vote is central to that politician’s success, he will attempt to conform to Bible dictates. Hopefully, his convictions are more than just political aspirations. A Christian should exercise his or her franchise of the vote and convert as many as possible to the gospel, which in turn strengthens a Godly hold on this nation. God has placed a unique opportunity in our hands. It is the opportunity to individually promote righteousness and push back sin. Deuteronomy 30:19:

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

At the time of the writing of this article in March 2008, America is in the midst of a presidential campaign with both parties attempting to woo the Christian vote. Keep in mind that Jesus Christ is not on the ballot. But if, incognito, He ran for office on the dictates of the scriptures, His chances of being elected would be nil. I am certain that many, if not most, confessing Christians would not vote for Jesus. But, concerning this election, the job of the Christian electorate is to vote for the candidate who most resembles Christ.

In the American political landscape, we have the conservatives (who are somewhat represented by the Republican party) on the right. The liberals (who are represented by the Democratic party) are on the left. The conservative position is, simply, adhering to Bible‑based principles. The Bible, in fact, is the foundation of conservatism. Understanding this concept means understanding that Jesus Christ is the author of conservatism. Jesus Christ is a true conservative. The liberal position, on the other hand, is anti‑Bible.

The true conservative position, and consequently Christ’s position on the following sampling of issues, is as follows:

1. Evolution. Jesus Christ is against it. He knows the world was created in six literal 24‑hour days just over 6,000 years ago. His platform would be to eliminate the teaching of evolution from U.S. textbooks. See Exodus 20:11. There are nearly 40 subjects on this site that deal with the issue of evolution. For more information, click onto:

Evolution is Dead...They Just Forgot To Bury the Corpse

2. Abortion. Jesus Christ is against it. It’s staggering! Nearly one‑third of America’s children are terminated in their mothers’ wombs. His platform would be to outlaw abortion. See Exodus 20:13, Luke 1:15, and II Timothy 3:1‑5. For more information, click onto:


Abortion – Part Two – Its Deadly Fruits

3. Capital Punishment. Jesus Christ is for it. His platform would be to execute guilty parties swiftly. See Genesis 9:6, Exodus 20:13, Romans 13:3‑5, and I Timothy 1:9‑10. For more information, click onto:

God Said Capital Punishment

God’s Position on Execution

QandA, Should A Christian Take Up Arms?

4. Homosexuality. Jesus Christ is against it. The Word of God calls homosexuality an abomination. The Lord’s platform would be forgiveness for those who repent and turn from their deeds. He would favor laws totally outlawing homosexuality. See Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:21‑32, I Corinthians 6:9‑10, and Jude 1:7. For more information, click onto:


Homosexuality Part II

QandA, Homosexuality

QandA, Homosexuality, Family Dining, Modern Prophets, GSMS

5. Gay Marriages. Jesus Christ is against it. Biblical marriage is, of course, between one man and one woman. Any other arrangement is considered gross error. Christ’s platform would be to ban it in America. See Matthew 19:4‑6. For more information, click onto:

Split Down the Middle and Choosing Sides

The Difference Is Life

The Fool

6. Divorce. Jesus Christ is against the concept of no‑fault divorce. His platform would be to make divorce legal only in cases where infidelity was an issue in the marriage. See Matthew 5:31‑32 and 19:4‑6. For more information, click onto:


Miss H. Makes Second Greatest Decision

The Wages of Sin – Part Three

7. Censorship. Jesus Christ is pro‑censorship. His platform would be to press for the banning of all sexually suggestive attire (or the lack thereof), sexually suggestive verbiage, and foul language from American society including censorship of all forms of print and electronic media, etc., etc. See Matthew 5:28, Colossians 3:8, I Timothy 2:9‑10, and II Timothy 2:19. For more information, click onto:

Twenty‑One Signs of Doomsday – Part Two

8. Fornication. Jesus Christ is against it. His platform would be for the promotion of total abstinence from all acts of premarital sex, as well as all illicit sex. He would push to totally revamp the nation’s sexual education programs. See Matthew 15:19‑20, Acts 15:20, Romans 1:28‑32, and I Corinthians 6:18. For more information, click onto:


It’s Not What Goes In But What Comes Out That Defiles

9. Salvation/Religion. Jesus Christ is for it. His platform would be that He alone is “the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father,” but by Him. Eternal life can only be found through Christ Jesus. See John 14:6 and Acts 4:10‑12. For more information, click onto:

Further With Jesus

The Power of Prayer

10. Alcohol and Illegal Drugs. Jesus Christ is against them. His platform would be to eliminate the consumption of all beverages that cause drunkenness, as well as the use of illegal drugs. To the e‑mailer who was convinced that Jesus Christ was a boozer because He was accused of being a winebibber and a glutton, he should note that Jesus Christ was also accused of being a sorcerer, a devil, a false prophet, a liar, a bastard, and certainly not the only begotten Son of God. See Proverbs 23:29‑35, Habakkuk 2:15, Proverbs 20:1, and Ephesians 5:18. For more information, click onto:

Alcohol and Christians

Alcohol and Christians – Part Two

The Wages of Sin – Part Three


Wine II

Jesus Christ is a conservative. A Christian should vote for the candidate who is the most conservative. If every candidate on the ballot is so anti‑Christ that it makes it impossible to vote for any one of them, write in Jesus Christ.






Authorized King James Version

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