God Said Man Said

Bible & Science Agree: Breastfeeding Babies

When God puts His seal on anything, wise men and women, boys and girls, all stand up and take notice. Breastfed babies are 33% less likely to die during the post-perinatal period (day 7-364) than infants who are not breastfed.
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Bible & Science Agree: Breastfeeding Babies

Article#: 1993

It is true.  Today is the best day of my life, and imagine this if you can: It gets better than that!

The promises in the Word of God are true and righteous altogether, no matter how bizarre they appear.  I need to know they are really true if I’m going to participate in them.  There are hundreds of marvelous verses of promise in the Bible, but I will only cite two:

🕇 Proverbs 4:18: But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.

🕇 Romans 8:28: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

In the first promise, the redeemed can travel on what GodSaidManSaid has dubbed “Route 7 North (Obedience),” and each day, we get closer to the Light source, Jesus Christ, the Light of the World.  The perfect day is the day we will see Jesus Christ face-to-face and we will be as He is.  In the second promise, all things work together for the good of the child of God whose sins are under the blood and who seeks God with his might.  So then, the child of God walking in the two promises recited is:  Getting brighter and sharper every day, and ALL things are working together for his good.  Therefore, as a child of God, I can boldly say: Today is the BEST day of my life, and tomorrow will be BETTER!

What is really bizarre to the natural mind is that when we are walking in faith and obedience, the very worst becomes the very best.  It works just like that, if I say so.  Psalm 107:2:

Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;

If I don’t say so, it ain’t so.

Dear visitor, have you yet to be BORN AGAIN?  In just a moment, I will invite you to follow me in a simple prompt, and if you follow from the heart, today will surely be the best day of your life.  Today, all your sin and shame will be washed away by Christ’s cleansing blood.  Today, all of Satan’s bondages in your life will be broken, every single one.  Today, you will become a new creature.  You will be BORN AGAIN—born a second time, this time of the Spirit of God, even as Jesus said in John 3:3:

Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.    

Here is the simple prompt I promised: Click onto Further with Jesus for childlike instructions and immediate entry into the Kingdom of God. NOW FOR TODAY’S SUBJECT.

GOD SAID, Genesis 49:25:

Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee; and by the Almighty, who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breasts, and of the womb:

GOD SAID, Isaiah 28:9:

Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.

GOD SAID, Psalm 119:160:

Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever.

MAN SAID: If I have to be honest, I’m afraid of where I would be if the power went out permanently.  Without my phone, I’d be as dumb as a bag of rocks! I depend on my phone to tell me what to do! I’d be lost without my digital pacifier!

Now THE RECORD: Welcome to GodSaidManSaid feature article 1174 that will once again certify the inerrancy of God’s beautiful Book, the Holy Bible. All of these faith-building features are archived here in text and streaming audio for the edification of the BORN AGAIN and as a platform from which to fish for the lost sons and daughters of Adam.  Every Thursday eve, God willing, they grow by one.

Thank you for visiting.  May the tender mercies of the Lord be yours.

Put your confidence in God’s Word and you will not be disappointed.  Satan and his minions have incessantly attempted to upend the Holy Bible and have nothing to show for their millions of attempts but zeroes—BIG FAT ZEROES!  Their failures will be even more glaring as the day approaches. 

It should be obvious, but it is not.  The world’s market place is agog over the fantastical promises being made by the promoters of Artificial Intelligence (AI).  Most have not considered that AI is simply the world’s knowledge harnessed by request.  And, much of the time, it is simply wrong.  When what the world has thus-far managed to know stands contrary to the Word of God, it is wrong all of the time. A truism often recited here is: Man’s “truth” of yesterday is debunked by his “truth” of today, and man’s “truth” of today will be debunked by his “truth” of tomorrow.  Artificial intelligence is dependent upon the world’s knowledge it gathers, and at any given time, man’s “truth” is in a state of flux.

Some of science’s classic blunders that denied Biblical supremacy have wiped out billions of years of global lifespans, diminished the quality of countless lives, and have stacked pain upon pain and suffering upon suffering.  A very, very short list of these blunders would include such science-backed claims as:

🙃 Eggs are bad for your health;  

🙃 Butter is also bad for your health;

🙃 Whole milk, and (God forbid) raw milk—yes, bad for your health;   

🙃 Salt is very bad for your health;

🙃 Raw honey is, you guessed it, bad for your health—but white sugar and artificial, cancer-causing sweeteners are good for you;  

🙃 Your tonsils and appendix are useless junk that can and should be removed and thrown out—along with their list of 198 additional “vestigial” organs that have quietly been reduced to a list of zero useless, “vestigial” organs; and

🙃 Male circumcision is a bad choice, when the results of a global meta study strongly proclaim otherwise.

GodSaidManSaid has published numerous features on these subjects (and more) demonstrating that today’s scientific research has debunked, and is debunking, their scientific “truth” of yesterday.  God’s Word is true and righteous altogether, all the time.

Today’s GodSaidManSaid feature once again addresses the mother’s breast.  New information keeps pouring in.  Before we address the latest research, previous research published here will be cited.

🞛 GodSaidManSaid, “Blessings of a Mother’s Breast:”

I am compelled to preface this article on the subject of breast-feeding with this note to mothers, who for reasons such as adoption, various medications harmful to the child via the mother’s milk, mothers who are HIV positive, or other reasons, that God is more than able to supply your child’s needs.  Be sure of this one thing: God is fully aware of your inability to fulfill His directive concerning the matter of breast-feeding.  Pray over your baby’s formula and food before feeding your child and you can be confident that God will supply that which is lacking. 

Man said that baby formula concocted by science was equal to or even superior to mother’s breast milk.  Starting in the late 1940s, breast-feeding began to fall out of favor nationally.  By the 1950’s, infant formula gained widespread endorsement from the pediatric community and breast-feeding for millions of children and mothers became a thing of the past. 

Fewer than half of American babies are fed exclusively breast milk during their initial stay at the hospital.  When the infants reach the age of six months, only 19% receive breast milk and, at the ripe old age of one year, only 2%.  Now, compare that with the global average of children being weaned from the breast at 4.2 years.  The American Academy of Pediatrics now weighs in with the recommendation that, for the baby’s optimal health, a mother should breast-feed for at least a full year.  The benefits of breast-feeding for mother and child are staggering.  The list is long and ever-increasing.

A growing body of evidence now shows that DHA, which is a fatty acid, is the essential structural ingredient of breast milk.  DHA is lacking in infant formula due to a ban by the FDA.  The ban has now been lifted on DHA in infant formula, but be assured that formula will not duplicate that which is in mother’s milk.  The following is a quote from Dr. William C. Douglass on the subject of DHA:

Breast-fed babies have an IQ of six to 10 points higher than formula-fed babies.  Scientists and nutritional experts attribute this to DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid that’s an essential structural component of the brain and retina.  It’s found naturally in mother’s milk. 

We found the following excerpt written by Dr. R. D. Russell especially exciting.  It reads as follows:

The cells in the mother’s milk not only attack bacteria that may be harmful to the baby, but apparently they have the ability to produce antibodies that destroy bacteria and viruses as well.  Evidently, the infant who is exposed to infections and nurses from its mother also produces changes in the mother’s breast.  Within hours, the next milk contains antibodies and immunoglobins to protect the baby before the infant exhibits visible symptoms.

An article in the publication called Mothering points out that mother’s milk has 400 nutrients that cannot be duplicated in a lab.  Research suggests that breast-feeding reduces the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, childhood cancer, diarrheal diseases, lower respiratory illness, ear infections, bacterial infections, diabetes, infant botulism, Crohn’s Disease, ulcerative colitis, and cavities.

Imagine, the following lead paragraph was found in an article in Discover magazine titled “Got Cancer.”  It reads as follows:

When Cathatrina Svanborg and her research associates began mixing mother’s milk and cancer cells together seven years ago, she wasn’t looking for a cure for cancer; she was after a way to fight germs.  Nevertheless, the physician and immunologist at Lund University in Sweden has discovered that a previously taken-for-granted component of ordinary human breast milk compels cancer cells—every type of cancer cell tested—to die.  [End of quote]

The following paragraphs are from Health Daily News. The title of the October 29, 2008 report is, “Breast-Fed Baby May Mean Better Behaved Child:”

Add yet another potential benefit to breast-feeding:  Fewer behavioral problems in young children.

Parents of youngsters who were breast-fed as infants were less likely to report that their child had a behavior problem or psychiatric illness during the first five years of life, a new study found. 

And the likelihood of mental health issues decreased in proportion to the duration of breast-feeding, meaning that a child who had been breast-fed for a year was less likely to have behavior problems than a child who had been breast-fed for just two months. 

Previous research has shown that breast milk offers numerous benefits for babies and that breast-feeding can benefit both mother and infant.  Babies who are breast-fed are less likely to suffer from ear infections, diarrhea, pneumonia, wheezing, and bacterial and viral illnesses, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).  Research has also linked breast-feeding with a reduced risk of obesity, diabetes, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), and certain cancers, according to the AAP.

For mothers, breast-feeding helps the uterus quickly return to its pre-pregnancy shape and helps burn additional calories, which can help get rid of extra pregnancy weight, the AAP reports.  Additionally, breast-feeding is believed to help nurture the mother-child bond.

The new study reviewed more than 100,000 interviews of parents and guardians of children between the ages of 10 months and 18 years who participated in the National Survey of Children’s Health. 

Parents of children who were breast-fed were 15% less likely to be concerned about their child’s behavior, compared to formula-fed infants.  And the breast-fed children were 37% less likely to have a medically diagnosed behavioral or conduct problem, according to the study.

And, Knutson (a resident in the department of psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston) said, the effect of breast-feeding appeared to be cumulative, with those who were breast-fed for a longer duration even less likely to have behavioral problems.

She also said the study found “a correlation between breast-feeding and cognitive development.”

The following short paragraph is from USA Weekend:

You probably know that breast-feeding boosts a baby’s health.  But, who knew how dramatically it benefits a mother?  I didn’t until I read a new Swedish study of 18,326 women, showing that mothers who breast-fed infants for 13 months or more were about half as apt to develop rheumatoid arthritis as those who did not breast-feed.  Breast-feeding for one to twelve months reduced RA risk 26%.  Experts can’t fully explain the surprise, but they note that breast-feeding can change levels of immune-regulating hormones in ways that may discourage RA.  There’s more:  A large analysis last year concluded that breast-feeding also might protect mothers against type 2 diabetes and breast and ovarian cancer.  [End of quote]

🞛 From the GodSaidManSaid featureInfo Briefs II:

In a December 2006 issue of Science News, under the title “Milk Therapy,” the following paragraphs were found:

When scientists started analyzing breast milk, they found that the third-largest constituent of breast milk, making up about 1 percent by volume, is a mixture of indigestible sugars known as oligosaccharides.  Many of these sugars occur only in human milk. 

Initially, the scientists thought that these were useless by-products of milk production.  But why would mothers expend so much energy creating compounds that their babies can’t use? 

In the past few years, scientists have solved this puzzle.  David Newburg, of Massachusetts General Hospital in Charlestown and his colleagues genetically engineered mice to produce oligosaccharides in their milk.  He then gave their pups campylobacter, a bacterium that causes diarrhea.  The pups that drank oligosaccharides didn’t get sick. 

Unlike the antibodies that mothers pass along to their infants through breast milk, oligosaccharides can protect the baby from pathogens to which the mother has never been exposed. 

For a pathogen to infect a person via the digestive tract, it first has to latch on to the sugars that line the gut wall.  Oligosaccharides have binding sites that are identical to the ones on the gut-wall sugars, so the pathogens attach to the oligosaccharides instead of to the lining of the gut.  Once bound to oligosaccharides, pathogens travel harmlessly through the intestinal tract.

Lactoferrin is a dazzling multitalented protein.  In breast-fed babies, it can appropriately suppress inflammation or boost immune activity.  It also fights viruses, bacteria, and fungi.  Even after the protein has broken down in the gut, the fragments fight urinary-tract infections as they are expelled from the body. 

Because lactoferrin lowers the immune system’s inflammatory overreactions, it may be useful against arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and septic shock.

The many claims for lactoferrin’s capabilities “may look suspicious,” admits Michal Zimecki, an immunologist at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Wroclaw.  Lactoferrin “seems like a golden bullet, but it really is so.” [End of quote]

The October 26, 2015 feature written by New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof is headlined, “The Miracle of Breast Milk Elixir is Lifesaver.”  Several paragraphs follow:

What if there were a remedy that could save more children’s lives in the developing world than are claimed by malaria and AIDS combined? 

A miracle substance that reduces ear infections while seeming to raise scores on IQ tests by several points?  Available even in the most remote villages, requiring no electricity or refrigeration?  Oh, and as long as we’re dreaming, let’s make it free. 

This miracle substance already exists.  It’s breast milk.  Current estimates backed by the World Health Organization and UNICEF are that optimal breast-feeding would save 800,000 children’s lives a year in developing countries.

That would amount to a 12 percent drop in child mortality, a huge gain. 

Infants who are not breast-fed are 14 times more likely to die than those who are exclusively breast-fed, according to a major metastudy just published by Acta Paediatricia, a pediatrics journal. 

Here in northern India, Austin and I met  a mother, Maher Bano, whose daughter has been born at home just hours earlier.  The baby was underweight and in danger of dying. 

The best medicine in this context is breast milk: Studies from India, Nepal, and Ghana show that prompt breast-feeding reduces neonatal mortality by 44 percent.  But Maher Bano said that for the first 24 hours, the baby would be given only tea with honey.  “I’ll breast-feed tomorrow, or the next day,” she said, explaining that she was following the guidance of the traditional birth attendant who had helped her deliver the baby and cut the cord. 

This is common: Worldwide, only 43 percent of babies are put to the breast within an hour of birth, as recommended by the World Health Organization.  One reason for delays is suspicion of colostrum, the first, yellowish milk, which doesn’t look quite like milk but is packed with nutrients and antibodies; it’s sometimes called the “first immunization.” 

Another big challenge: In hot countries, villagers often give infants water on hot days, or start them on food before six months.  Water both displaces milk and also is often contaminated.  (Breast milk, in contrast, is safe even when the mom drinks contaminated water.) 

While the clearest benefits of breast-feeding have to do with saving lives, there is also some evidence of other health and cognitive gains.  In Belarus, children of women randomly assigned to exclusive breast-feeding promotion scored six points higher on IQ tests than controls. [End of quotes]

Note the correlation in IQ and the Creator’s declaration in Isaiah 28:9:

Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.

[End of quotes]

Only the Creator could know the association between knowledge and understanding and the mother’s breast.

The headline from the June 14, 2016 feature in The Telegraph reads, “Breastfeeding Helps Premature Babies’ Hearts to Grow, Study Finds.”  The feature follows:

Breast is best for premature babies, after a study showed the hearts of preterm children were larger than those who had been bottle fed. 

The hearts of babies born early are often smaller than full term babies, with smaller chambers, thicker walls, and reduced function.

It is thought that those abnormalities occur in the first few months after birth, so scientists at Oxford University wanted to find out if breast feeding made a difference to development. 

They invited back 102 adults who had been enrolled in a study of premature babies in 1982 to check how their hearts had developed as well as recruiting an extra 102 people who were born preterm. 

Those who had been breastfed had ventricles—the large chambers in the heart—which were nearly 10 percent larger than bottle-fed babies.  The hearts of breastfed babies also beat more strongly.

“Even the best baby formula lacks some of the growth factors, enzymes, and antibodies that breastmilk provides to developing babies,” said Dr. Adam Lewandowski and colleagues at the Oxford Cardiovascular Clinical Research Facility. 

Previous studies have found that babies who were breastfed for at least twelve months have higher IQs and could earn an extra £200,000 ($280,000 US) in their lifetime compared with bottle-fed youngsters. [Adjusted for 2023, that is an extra £260,094 ($331,332) earned in their lifetimes.]

Researchers in Brazil found that breastfeeding was crucial for setting children on the path to success. 

Those who were breast-fed for a year or more scored on average four IQ points higher on tests than those breast-fed for under one month.  They were also likely to have remained in education for nine months longer and earn around 20 percent more than the national average, which in Britain would equate to an extra £440 ($617 US) in pay each month. [In 2023, that is a £572 ($729) extra per month.]

Viv Bennett, Chief Nurse at Public Health England, said: “This research adds to a wealth of evidence which shows that breastfeeding gives babies the best start in life, and it comes with a whole host of benefits for mothers, too.” 

“We recommend that all babies, including those born prematurely, are breast-fed exclusively for the first six months,” she added. 

The new results were published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics.  [End of quotes]

🞛 GodSaidManSaid, “A Mother’s Breast Keeps on Giving:”

Breast-feeding’s continued praise was published August 28,2020 by Science Daily.  Excerpts from the feature titled “The ‘Gold’ in Breast Milk” follow:

Breast milk strengthens a child’s immune system, supporting the intestinal flora.  These facts are common knowledge.  But how does this work? What are the molecular mechanisms behind this phenomenon?  And why is this not possible the same way with bottle feeding?  The reasons were unknown until a team from the RESIST Cluster of Excellence at Hannover Medical School (MHH) recently discovered how alarmins are that mechanism in a project involving the University of Bonn.  The results have been pre-published online in the medical journal Gastroenterology.

“Alarmins are the ‘gold’ in breast milk.  These proteins prevent dangerous intestinal colonization disorders that can lead to blood poisoning and intestinal inflammation,” relates Team Leader Professor Dr. Dorothee Viemann of the Hannover Medical School (MHH) Clinic for Pediatric Pneumology, Allergology and Neonatology.

The post-natal intestinal immune system, i.e. intestinal flora and mucosa, mature through interaction with bacteria in the environment.  This gives rise to optimal bacteria diversity which last a lifetime, affording protection against many diseases.  “Alarmins control this adaptation process,” explains Professor Viemann, whose research has revealed that these peptides and proteins both derive from breast milk and arise in the child’s intestinal tract. [End of Quote]

Headline, June 25, 2013, Live Science: “Breast-Fed Children More Likely to Climb the Social Ladder.”

Headline, April 27, 2021, Science Daily: “Breast-Feeding Linked to Higher Neurocognitive Testing Scores in Offspring.”

Headline, December 16, 2020, Science Daily: “Maternal Diet During Lactation Shapes Functional Abilities of Milk Bacteria.”

Headline, July 16, 2022, Neuroscience News: “Maternal Milk Tied to Better School Age Outcomes for Children Born Preterm.”

When God puts His seal on anything, wise men and women, boys and girls, all stand up and take notice.  Pseudoscience will oppose; it is mandatory. But pseudoscience will be proven wrong, and that is without exception. 

And now, the additional, latest information as promised.

Headline, March 27, 2023, Science News: “Beneficial Bacteria in the Infant Gut Uses Nitrogen from Breast Milk to Support Baby’s Health.”  Excerpts follow:

“The molecules in breast milk not only feed the baby but also feed the baby’s microbiome,” says David Sela, associate professor of food science and director of the Fergus M. Clydesdale Center for Foods for Health and Wellness.  “This changed the way people think about the role of human milk in infant nutrition.”

Microbes that feed on breast milk play key roles in an infant’s growth, from jump-starting the immune and digestive systems to aiding in brain development.  The molecular underpinnings of these processes, however, are not well understood.

In a paper published Monday, March 27, in the journal Gut Microbes, senior author Sela describes how B. infantis utilizes urea from human milk to recycle nitrogen in the infant’s gut microbiome.  The paper lays the groundwork for applying this discovery to improve infant health around the world by identifying molecular targets to improve nitrogen metabolism efficiency.  [End of quotes]

Headline, July 18, 2023, Science Daily: “Each Mom Passes Unique Set of Breast Milk Antibodies to Baby.” Several paragraphs follow:

As baby’s early immunity is directed by antibodies from breast milk, the new research provides insight into why protection against different infections varies among infants and why some develop a life-threatening gut disease called necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). 

“While each milk donor in our study had very different antibody profiles from one another, we found that antibodies from the same donor were quiet similar over time—even across the span of months,” said senior author Timothy Hand, Ph.D., associate professor of pediatrics and immunology at Pitt’s School of Medicine and UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.  “This means that if a baby’s parent happens to lack particular antibodies—such as those that fend off NEC—they’re never going to receive that immunity. This could help explain why some babies get NEC and others don’t.”

According to Hand, NEC is a devastating inflammatory gut disease that mainly affects preterm infants.  NEC, which has been linked with a family of bacteria called Enterobacteriaceae, is about 2 to 4 times more frequent in formula-fed babies than in those fed breast milk.

Before their immune system matures, babies are protected from harmful bacteria by antibodies transferred via the mother’s placenta and through breast milk. These antibodies bind to bacteria in the intestine, preventing them from invading the host. [End of quote]

Headline, July 24, 2023, Science Daily: “Breastfeeding is Associated with a 33% Reduction in First-Year Post-Perinatal Infant Mortality.” The following is from that feature:  

 Among nearly 10 million US infants born between 2016 and 2018, breastfed babies were 33% less likely to die during the post-perinatal period (day 7-364) than infants who were not breastfed, reports a new study in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine, published by Elsevier. The findings build on previous US research with smaller datasets, which documented the association between the initiation of breastfeeding and the reduction of post-perinatal infant mortality by a range of 19% to 26%.

Lead investigator Julie L. Ware, MD, MPH, Division of General and Community Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, Cincinnati Children’s Center for Breastfeeding Medicine, said, “Based on these data, there is clear evidence that breastfeeding confers a protective benefit during the first year of life and is strongly associated with reduced post-perinatal infant mortality across the USA.”

Breastfeeding is recognized by the World Health Organization, American Academy of Pediatrics, and other authorities as the preferred normative nutrition for infants, both recommending that families breastfeed their infants exclusively for 6 months, continuing with the addition of complementary foods for at least the first two years of life.  These organizations consider breastfeeding a public health imperative with many short- and long-term improved health outcomes for both mother and child, including significant reductions in all-cause infant mortality and specific protection against sudden infant death syndrome and necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants. Despite these recommendations, the rates for breastfeeding initiation, exclusivity, and continuation in the US do not meet breastfeeding goals, especially in certain racial and ethnic populations, and in some geographic regions.

Co-investigator Ardythe Morrow, PhD, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine stated that, “Though breastfeeding is widely recommended, nevertheless, some may still consider it to be of minor importance.  We hope that our findings will change the narrative.  Human milk is replete with protective molecules, and breastfeeding offers significant protection.”  [End of quotes]

When God sets His imprimatur on absolutely anything, that particular anything will be challenged and discredited by carnaldom’s “wisest” for Satan requires it. Their contrary position is always wrong. Wrong is the only option.  Be of good cheer, child of God.  Your childlike faith will NEVER be disappointed.  God’s Word is true and righteous altogether, a place to build a life that will last forever.

GOD SAID, Genesis 49:25:

Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee; and by the Almighty, who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breasts, and of the womb:

GOD SAID, Isaiah 28:9:

Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.

GOD SAID, Psalm 119:160:

Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever.

MAN SAID: If I have to be honest, I’m afraid of where I would be if the power went out permanently.  Without my phone, I’d be as dumb as a bag of rocks! I depend on my phone to tell me what to do! I’d be lost without my digital pacifier!


Now you have THE RECORD.




Authorized King James Version

Elsevier, “Breastfeeding is Associated with a 33% Reduction in First-Year Post-Perinatal Infant Mortality," Science Daily, July 24, 2023

GodSaidManSaid, “A Mother’s Breast Keeps on Giving

GodSaidManSaid, “Blessings of a Mother’s Breast

University of Massachusetts, Amherst, “Beneficial Bacteria in the Infant Gut Uses Nitrogen from Breast Milk to Support Baby’s Health,” Science Daily, March 27, 2023

University of Pittsburgh, "Each Mom passes unique set of breast milk antibodies to baby,” Science Daily,  July 18, 2023

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