God Said Man Said

Lest He Reprove Thee, And Thou Be Found A Liar

In man’s efforts to make things more attractive to his eye and to extend shelf life in order to keep things fresh past their natural order, serious problems have arisen that have cost the world billions in medical bills and multitudes of shortened life spans. But it doesn’t end there, either.
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Lest He Reprove Thee, And Thou Be Found A Liar

Article#: 633

All evil is a result of rejecting the Word of God. As far as mankind is concerned, it began in a place called Eden where God’s Word was rejected for Satan’s, and the result was the global inset of the Law of Sin and Death. Since the Garden of Eden, sons of man have continued to replace the Word of God with disobedience, and the result has been the piling on of sin and death. The only escape from the devastation of the curse is to be set free by the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, and the right time to do it is today. Click onto “Further With Jesus,” on this website for easy how-to information. Things are getting ready to change for you—for good and forever. NOW FOR TODAY’S SUBJECT.

GOD SAID, Ecclesiastes 3:14:

I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him.

GOD SAID, Proverbs 30:5-6:

5 Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.

6 Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.

MAN SAID: The Bible is a book full of contradictions written by mere men, and certainly nothing for intellectual man to concern himself with.

Now THE RECORD. One thing is abundantly clear: you can’t add or subtract from God’s natural design and expect success.

Recently, the world found itself in turmoil. The calamity was mad cow disease. The disease was reportedly contracted by cows after eating feed supplemented with ground-up dead bodies of sheep and cattle. Amongst humans, the disease is spread by eating the infected meat of the cow. The name of the disease is Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. When asked about the origin of the disease, biochemist Byron Caughey of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases answered:

The current hypothesis is that they result from the abnormal folding of prion protein, which is normally present in many tissues in mammals. The misfolded version can cause other prion proteins to fold incorrectly as well. The corrupted protein accumulates in the brain, where it causes neurodegenerative disease. Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s diseases seem to involve analogous protein-folding errors.[End of quote]

Take careful note of the mention of Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s diseases. God created the cows and designed them to eat a vegetarian diet, but man decided to change God’s Words. The results are obvious.

God’s Word heavily endorses butter and olive oil, but man and his “science” has instead promoted trans-fatty acids with margarine at the head of their list. The following excerpt is from the editor’s desk of Better Nutrition:

1997 (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition). In this review, the authors say: “In the past 5 years, a series of metabolic studies has provided unequivocal evidence that trans-fatty acids" increase bad, or LDL, cholesterol, and reduce good, or HDL, cholesterol.” On the basis of these studies, the researchers say: “We estimate conservatively that 30,000 premature deaths a year in the U.S. are attributable to the consumption of trans-fatty acids,” with margarine the leading dietary source.

God said butter and olive oil. Man changed God’s Words and became a liar.

New terms have entered our dietary lexicon such as organic, natural, and, how about this one: “free-range chickens.” Free-range means the chickens are permitted to roam around the barnyard, growing and developing naturally. Man changed the natural plan of events, immobilizing their chickens, stuffing them into metal cages in order to command maximum yield. The following excerpt is from a 2004 issue of Mother Earth News:

American agribusiness is producing more food than ever before, but the evidence is building that the vitamins and minerals in that food are declining. For example, take the two eggs shown at left. The one with the bright orange yolk is from a free-range chicken raised by Mother Earth News managing editor Nancy Smith, while the pale one is a supermarket egg from a hen raised indoors on a “factory farm.” Eggs from free-range hens contain up to 30 percent more vitamin E, 50 percent more folic acid and 30 percent more vitamin B-12 than factory eggs. And the bright orange color of the yolk shows higher levels of antioxidant carotenes. (Many factory-farm eggs are so pale that producers feed the hens expensive marigold flowers to make the yolks brighter in color.) [End of quote]

God’s original plan was perfect. Additions and deletions will always result in failure.

Scientists are now tampering with our food’s genetic formula. You can expect an unexpected outcome, and the results are beginning to come in. A seed company, Delta and Pine Land Company of Mississippi, is working on, according to science writer Karen Wright, “something of a time bomb in the world of farming—a terminator gene.” The following excerpt is from Wright’s article in Discover magazine of August 2003:

Plants equipped with a terminator gene grow up just like other plants, with one crucial exception—farmers can’t grow anything from the seed they produce. This feat of genetic engineering has caused a world-class ruckus, and renewed commercial interest in the trait is sure to put the town in the spotlight. Depending on whom you talk to, the terminator gene—known by its makers as the Technology Protection System—is either a great safeguard against possible hazards in the brave new world of biotechnology, or a threat to the world food supply.

Finally, from the article:

“It’s climb on the terminator platform, or stay on the sidelines with your old technology and hope you survive,” says Pat Mooney, executive director of the ETC Group, an advocacy organization in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Even if terminator-seed purchases are subsidized, he says, dependence on them could become devastating. “When the foreign aid dries up, terminator companies back out, leaving no grain.” [End of quote]

Terminator, the designers claim, is needed to offset the potential problems of genetically manufactured plants whose new genetic makeup would include new genes from other organisms.

According to Marshall Martin of Purdue University, the USDA reports that 34% of corn acreage, 71% of cotton, and 75% of soybean acreage are genetically modified. One estimates that 70% of all processed food in America contains some genetically modified ingredients.

The critics of genetic manipulation are afraid of unknown consequences which could be horrific.

In 2002, claims came from Mexico that transgenic corn had spread its germ plasm to native Mexican maize.

This following excerpt is from WebMD, under the title “‘Frankenfoods’—Friend or Foe?”

Probably the most recognized genetically engineered crop is Starlink. The bioengineered brand of corn—approved for use in animal feed only—found its way into the human food supply last year. The contamination caused an upheaval because the corn contains a gene that allegedly triggered several allergic reactions, some quite severe. Though none of the reports of allergic reactions have yet to be linked to the Starlink corn, numerous products—from taco shells to corn dogs—have been recalled. So has all Starlink corn. But farmers are still finding traces of the modified corn in their crops. [End of quote]

According to Alternative Medicine, as a result of the Starlink issue, over 300 products were recalled from America’s shelves. Quoted from that publication, “As news of the contamination spread, dozens of people reported allergic symptoms—ranging from diarrhea and skin reactions to life-threatening anaphylactic shock after eating the corn products.” [End of quote]

The following information is from a November 2003 issue of Better Homes and Gardens, under the title, “Should You Fear the New Foods?”

But here’s where things get hairy—literally in some cases. Plant breeders of old wouldn’t have dreamed it was possible to insert a gene from a rat into lettuce seeds. But that’s exactly what Nessler and his colleagues did in order to produce leafy greens that contain up to seven times more vitamin C than the conventional variety. Rats, it turns out, carry a gene that allows their bodies to manufacture vitamin C, which is why the little four-legged fiends never develop scurvy on long sea voyages. [End of quote]

Craig Nessler, mentioned above, is a plant biologist at Texas A & M University.

Jane Rissler, a plant pathologist of the Union of Concerned Scientists, is concerned that inserting foreign genes into a food might make it toxic. The McDonald’s corporation has instructed its suppliers that it will only accept conventionally grown potatoes for its french fries.

A whole new crop of so-called superplants is emerging. It was reported in 2000 that scientists have figured out a way to inject a gene from Artic flounder into the tomato to keep it from freezing. Whether you and I are presently eating these tomatoes in our salad is anyone’s guess, seeing that as of November of 2000, the FDA does not require genetic modification to be so stated on the label. Let it be known that you can’t add or subtract from what God has done without suffering the consequences.

These following paragraphs are from the previously cited article, “‘Frankenfoods’—Friend or Foe?”

But crops aren’t the only foods being tinkered with genetically. Salmon is the first genetically modified animal slated for Americans’ dinner plates. Consumer watchdog groups have concerns about it as well. The fish have an increased growth hormone, which speeds their growth, Rand tells WebMD. “These fish grow four times faster than normal fish. They don’t grow any larger, but significantly faster. That’s where the problem lies,” he says. “These salmon have not been reviewed for their toxicity to humans.” Another big concern is environmental, he says. “These fish are being farm raised [in net pens] in the open ocean. The problem is that these net pens are not 100% tight; 115,000 salmon escaped in Washington in 1999. In 2000, over 300,000 salmon escaped in Maine waters. These were not genetically engineered salmon, but if they were to get out, wild populations of fish and salmon will be affected by these escapees.” According to a new study, Rand says, these genetically engineered salmon are 40 times more likely to mate because they grow so much faster. “If 60 ... [genetically engineered] individuals joined a wild population of 60,000 fish, the wild population would become extinct within just 40 generations. That’s just if 60 fish escaped.” Over 30 other genetically engineered fish are also in development, Rand tells WebMD. “Those companies are watching what the FDA does very, very closely,” he says.

And again, the article reports:

“The FDA will have to respond to our petition within 180 days,” Rand tells WebMD. “We shall see what happens. These eggs have already been sold. Letters of intent have already been placed for 15 million biotech salmon eggs. So if these fish get approved, they will be quickly taking a major role in salmon production.”

As of November 2003, the USDA approved 50 gene-altered plants for the American table. Especially now, believers should pray over their food asking God to sanctify it.

When man alters God’s handiwork, we have problems—actually the piling on of sin and death. When God does it, "“nothing can be put to it, not any thing taken from it.”

In man’s efforts to make things more attractive to his eye and to extend shelf life in order to keep things fresh past their natural order, serious problems have arisen that have cost the world billions in medical bills and multitudes of shortened life spans. But it doesn’t end there, either. The following is an excerpt from Psychology Today concerning the intelligence quotient:

In one large-scale analysis of approximately 1 million students enrolled in the New York City school system, researchers examined IQ scores before and after preservatives, dyes, colorings and artificial flavors were removed from lunch offerings. They found a 14% improvement after the removal. And the improvement was greatest for the weakest students. Prior to the dietary changes, 120,000 of the students were performing two or more grade levels below average. Afterward, the figure dropped to 50,000. [End of quote]

God designed women with the ability to breast-feed her young with the world’s purest food. See “Breast- Feeding” on this website. Man, of course, has a better way. He calls it baby formula. Please note that we are aware that some mothers, for medical or other reasons, are unable to breast-feed their children. The following statement is from Stephen Ceci, Ph.D., from his feature article on IQ in Psychology Today:

My colleagues and I were skeptical when we first heard claims that breast-fed infants grew into children with higher IQs than their siblings who were not breast-fed. There are factors that differ between breast-fed and non-breast-fed children, such as the amount of time mother and child spend together through nursing and the sense of closeness they gain from nursing. It turns out, however, that even when researchers control for such factors, there still appears to be a gain of 3 to 8 IQ points for breast-fed children by age three. Exactly why is unclear. Perhaps the immune factors in mother’s milk prevent children from getting diseases that deplete energy and impair early learning. Breast milk may also affect nervous system functioning. Mother’s milk is an especially rich source of omega-3 fatty acids that are building blocks of nerve cell membranes and crucial to the efficient transmission of nerve impulses. [End of quote]

Whatever God does is perfect and man cannot add or subtract with success. And when man changes His Words, he becomes a liar.

GOD SAID, Ecclesiastes 3:14:

I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him.

GOD SAID, Proverbs 30:5-6:

5 Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.

6 Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.

MAN SAID: The Bible is a book full of contradictions written by mere men, and certainly nothing for intellectual man to concern himself with.

Now you have THE RECORD.


King James Bible

Davis, J., “‘Frankenfoods’ — Friend or Foe?” WebMD.com, 5/22/01

Glausiusz, J., “A Sane Look at Mad Cows,” Discover, 3/01, p.16

Gormley, J.J., “And the Winner Is Not Margarine,” Better Nutrition, 1/01, P.14

Kanigel, R., “The Real Problem With Genetically Modified Foods,” Alternative Medicine, Nov.—Dec. 2003

Long and Keiley, “This Is Your Egg,” Mother Earth News, June/July ’04, p.37

Wright, K., “Terminator Genes,” Discover, 8/03, pp.49-50

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