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Mummies and the Sons of Ham
All of mankind today finds their root in the three sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. After the flood, Noah�s sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth shouldered the responsi... More
Unashamed: The Beautiful Book and 6,000 Years
A long-dead Scandinavian woman has yielded bacterial DNA showing that she contracted the earliest known case of the plague in humans. When facts speak and not theori... More
Lies and Deceptions, the Adamic Way
In US politics, there are two dominant philosophies, liberalism and conservatism, and they oppose one another. GodSaidManSaid has no political affiliation, but Ch... More
Another Way and the Rapture of the Nerds
Terasem�s followers believe that by ritualistically recording your thoughts and feelings in great detail, you can ultimately assemble a digital copy of yourself, ava... More
What Color was Adam?
Race issues are big on the global stage, and one should expect these issues to burn even more out of control as our vaunted politicians, esteemed academics, and ever... More
The World's Giants Keep Raising Their Heads
These star people took our women by force and the resulting children became the race of giants that we read about in historical accounts from cultures around the wor... More
Religion: The Opium of the People?
Karl Marx is quoted as saying religion was the opium of the people. He was one of the champions of communism, which has wreaked death and destruction around the ent... More
Darwin's Fatal Bee Sting
It is common knowledge that a bee sting can be fatal. And it is inconceivable that any amount of embalming and propping up of the corpse can rescue Darwinism and an... More
The Triune Curse
Three specific judgments handed down by God against three individuals will propel the peoples who would descend from these three men along with the nations of the ea... More
Something's Happening When You Sleep
God created your brain to do something very necessary when you sleep. Don�t go to sleep harboring angry thoughts. If you�ve had harsh words with your spouse or frie... MoreMore Featured Articles
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Today's Power Verse
Psalm 119:105 (KJV)
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.