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The Light of the World

The world begins without the sun, and eternity in the New Jerusalem ends without the need for the sun. Jesus is known in the Bible as the Alpha and Omega, the beginn... More

In The Beginning (Part One)

Was there light before the sun? Did mankind come from one original father and mother? What about the cherubims? A record exists in the earth.... More

Bridling the Tongue and Its Power

The book of James speaks about bridling the tongue. A bridle is used for the purpose of governing a horse. With the bridle, the horse can be used for many fruitful... More

Twenty-One Signs of Doomsday (Update IX) — The Black Horse

Breaking news that�s unfolding could be the sound of the black horse of Revelation preparing to ride. Jesus spoke of the terrible events that precede the end of day... More

A Blade of Grass and Dawkins

God is light. Every ray of light that rains down upon the earth has been ordained by the God of light. Light travels at 186,282 miles per second. This light, that... More

The Spark of Life: A Strange Grouping of Words

Without light, no life could exist. Light is the life source, spiritually and physically. For potential parents struggling with fertility, bright eggs might be good... More

Can Your Brain Make Your Body Sick? New Research Is In!

Can your brain make your body sick? Short answer is yes. Do you want the remedy?... More

Water World

God�s Word declares that, thousands of years ago, the world was twice covered with water. Here comes science, once again knock-knock-knocking on heaven�s door. ... More

Amazing Light (Part I)

In Genesis 1:3-5, light is created, while later in the same book (Genesis 1:14-19), God then created the sun, moon, and stars�sources of light�how does this make sen... More

No Escape from 6,000 Years

When facts lead and not the theories of unbelievers, they always end up here. Very shortly after Noah�s flood�which occurred over 4,300 years ago�a literal earth-ch... More

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