
Twenty-One Signs of Doomsday (Update XXXIX)—The Chip Comes Knocking at Your Door)

This addition to the GodSaidManSaid “Twenty-One Signs of Doomsday Series” addresses the coming one-world monetary system that will control the commerce of all the earth’s inhabitants—a system that can only be accessed by Revelation’s mark of the beast.
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Twenty-One Signs of Doomsday (Update XXXIX)—The Chip Comes Knocking at Your Door)

Article#: 1594

We are owned.  Have you ever considered that nothing is yours?  The earth and its universe, and all that therein is, was made by God.  It is His.  Adam and Eve were formed out of God’s dirt.  He breathed His spirit up their nostrils and they became living souls.  We were given a mother and a father; we were given IQs and physical form; we were given an earth to live on.  If you are married, your spouse is God’s; if there are children, they are God’s.  And, if you think the “monopoly money”—the recycled mud you may have accumulated—is yours, consider that one second after you die, your wealth, your spouse, even your shoes, are no longer yours.

Yes, it is true:  All things are God’s, but He chose to share His bounty with His children.  Man was created in His image and after His likeness. Man was created immortal and was given dominion over all the earth—with one contingency, Genesis 2:16-17:

16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

While Adam and Eve walked in faith and obedience, they dwelt in Paradise.  Unfortunately, they soon chose unbelief and disobedience, despising the generosity of God; they spiritually died that very day, and were cast out of Paradise. 

But, God created a way of escape from the bondage of sin and death.  He created a way back—a way to be reinstated to the covenant of faith, whose fruit is favor with God, and once again the promise of immortality.  That way is God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.  It is His blood that was shed on Golgotha’s hill that breaks the back of Satan’s chokehold by cleansing the redeemed from all sin.  This place, Jesus calls “born again” (John 3:3).  At this place, we become sons and daughters of God and, instead of nothing being ours, we become “heirs of God; and joint-heirs with Christ” (Romans 8:17).  Everything changes at born-again—everything. 

Are you ready to participate in the commonwealth of Israel?  Will today be your day to be born again?  This is truly a limited-time offer.  Choose Christ today while the door is still open.  Click onto “Further with Jesus” for childlike instructions and immediate entry into the Kingdom of God, where everything is ours.  NOW FOR TODAY’S SUBJECT. 

GOD SAID, Revelation 13:16-18:

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

GODSAID, Revelation 14:9-11:

9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

MAN SAID: These doomsday prophets make me laugh!  There is no end to this world and certainly no judgment day! 

Now THE RECORD:  The power and the beauty of the Words of God are vastly larger than man’s vocabulary can describe.  His Book—His Holy Bible—is the book of all books because He is the God of all gods.  His Words are inerrant.  His Words are truth.  His Words are eternal. 

When Jesus Christ returns for the church—commonly known as the rapture—it will be as it was in the days of Noah when God destroyed the entire earth with a global floodMatthew 24:37-39:

37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 

Students of the Scriptures await the return of the mighty Christ of Glory with ardent expectation—the expectation that it is soon, very soon. 

This addition to the GodSaidManSaid “Twenty-One Signs of Doomsday Series” addresses the coming one-world monetary system that will control the commerce of all the earth’s inhabitants—a system that can only be accessed by Revelation’s mark of the beast.  Several features have been published here concerning this subject.  Foundational information from these features will be laid down and then—the rest of the story. 

▶ GodSaidManSaid, “Twenty-One Signs of Doomsday (Update XXX—The Ubiquitous Chip):”

The world’s end as we know it is believed by students of the Scriptures to be very near.  We are cautioned not to pick exact dates for this outer-wordly event, but we are directed to take heed to the prophetic signs laid out in the Word of God.  One very prominent sign is spoken by Jesus in Matthew 24:32-34:

32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:

33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.

34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.

Israel is equated with figs in the Bible''s book of Jeremiah 24, and this chapter refers to the destruction of Israel, the dispersion of the Jews, and of their future return and restoration as a nation.  For over 2,000 years, Israel did not exist on the world’s globe, but in 1948, Israel was restored as a nation.  The fig tree has budded and the generation that sees it “shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.”  If our assessment of the budding fig tree is correct, then the antichrist is most likely alive somewhere on the earth and is being groomed by his father, the Devil, to rule the world.  We now have the United Nations, whose president theoretically reigns over the whole world; we also have the World Bank, World Health Organization, the World Court, the World Wide Web, and a myriad of other world organizations.  The organization for a one-world government is in place and the people’s appetite for its authority and its leader is being perfected.

Adding to and subtracting from God’s Word is a very deadly deed and many have taken it upon themselves to manhandle Holy Writ.  This feature deals with the prophetic number “six hundred threescore and six”—666—the mark of the beast during the last days.  It will become obvious how adding to and taking away from God’s Word has directly affected this deadly number.  The following excerpts are from the GodSaidManSaid feature, “Twenty-One Signs of Doomsday (Update XXVIII) -- Word Changing and 666 are Ready for Prime-Time:”

Nothing should be more important than the believer’s copy of the Word of God.  For the English-speaking, that copy is the Authorized King James Version. 

The Authorized King James Version was:

• Translated by the world’s greatest scholars. 

• Supported by the vast, vast majority of the original-Greek, handwritten manuscripts (thus the term “majority-text”). 

• Supported by the oldest manuscripts.

• Supported by manuscripts discovered in Greece, Constantinople, Asia Minor, Syria, Alexandria, Africa, Gaul, Southern Italy, Sicily, England, and Ireland—versus the new translations, which are derived from a reading found in one limited area.

• Translated from the Textus Receptus (which means “received text”), and has been the authority among the redeemed for nearly 2,000 years! 

But Satan is hell-bent on changing the words. 

Adding to or subtracting from the Bible is changing God’s Words, and when one understands that all things are created out of God’s Words, changing them is a very bad idea. 

What does Satan’s ploy of changing the Words of God have to do with the mark of the beast?  The majority-text Authorized King James Version reads in Revelation 13:16:

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

Revelation 13:16 reads in the NIV:

It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads,

On this subject, G.A. Riplinger writes in the 1184-page book, In Awe of Thy Word, the following:

This may be the most damaging twist of Scripture in these perilous days.  The NKJV, TNIV, NIV, NASB, ESV, HCSB, and generally all new versions allow their readers to take the mark of the beast—simply by changing the letter ‘i’ to ‘o.’  Applied Digital Solutions has a “VeriChip” ready to market.  Their spokesman appeared on the 700 Club to assure Christian viewers that their embedded (in-bedded) chip did not fit the new versions’ description about the mark of the beast, because their chip goes “in the hand,” “inserted with a large needle device,” not stamped “on the hand.” 

The Associated Press (Washington, February 26, 2002) reports:

GOOD OR EVIL?  …Applied Digital has consulted theologians and appeared on the religious television program the 700 Club to assure viewers the chip didn’t fit the Biblical description of the mark because it is under the skin hidden from view.  [End of quote]

The time of the end approaches and Satan has staked out his position.  He has changed the Word.  Jesus Christ is the only way of escape.  Click onto Further With Jesus now if you have yet to become born again.

The following paragraphs are from the GodSaidManSaid feature, “Twenty-One Signs of Doomsday -- Part Three:”

Revelation 13:16-18:

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 

18 Here is wisdom.  Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

When this passage was penned, there were no checking accounts, direct-deposit transactions, electronic transfers, charge cards, debit cards, computerized banking, scanning systems, and more.  In the above passage, the Word of God prophesies of a new system of commerce to which the whole world will be forced to comply.  This new system of commerce appears to be the perfect moneyless society where consumers no longer deal in hard cash.  All financial transactions are conducted electronically under a consumer account number.  This would be a marvelous idea if it wasn’t for those who would take control of it.  Several trial runs of the moneyless society have been undertaken in segregated communities in America—not for religious reasons, but simply to measure its feasibility.  Such an electronic banking system would greatly reduce the cost of banking, personal theft, bad checks, bad credit, and more, even bankruptcy.  This would, in turn, reduce the cost of goods, improve the world’s standard of living, and enhance personal safety—a great idea.  With today’s technology, this cardless system could easily be accomplished.  It could eliminate the carrying of personal identification cards by simply embedding a code or identification chip of some kind in the right hand or under the skin of the forehead of an individual.  This identifying chip located in your person could also give the government the ability, with global positioning systems, to locate you anywhere on this globe.  Criminals could run but couldn’t hide—a good idea—except:

The world’s societies will all be controlled economically by the antichrist.  Unless you receive the number of the beast, which is 666, you will not be able to buy or sell. 

Grant Jeffrey, in his book Countdown to the Apocalypse, weighs in on 666:

Already, North Americans live in a 97% cashless society.  Less than 3% of the money in our economy exists as either paper currency or coins.  John, in the book of Revelation, prophesies that the number 666 will be placed in (beneath the skin?) the right hands or in the foreheads as a way to enforce people’s allegiance to the Antichrist as their god and to control people throughout the Antichrist’s world empire.

Such an invasive technology is not far from being reality.  Companies are developing sophisticated technology that uses tiny radio-frequency identification chips, which could hold data and records on your complete identity.  These chips could contain your biometric ID and your medical and financial records, and they are small enough to be placed beneath your skin.  A miniature computer chip, the size of a large grain of rice, that can hold up to five gigabytes of information already exists.  This chip could store as much information as is contained in thirty sets of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.  Your complete financial, medical, legal, and personal records could easily be held in such an ID chip, and it could be accessed and read from a distance by electronic scanners.  

The new VeriChip, a beneath-the-skin radio frequency chip, can be implanted and will contain comprehensive information about an individual, together with a GPS locator system that will allow an interested party or institution not only to locate an individual but to identify the person, along with his or her financial, medical, or even criminal records.  Already, certain card scanners used in stores and banks can scan your fingerprint and compare it to the information stored on certain credit cards as a way to prevent credit-card fraud and identity theft.  [End of quote]

The info above from Mr. Jeffrey’s book was written in 2008.  Since then, things have changed dramatically.  In the past year, people have been shocked to discover that every part of their lives is being tracked by the U.S. government, by Google, Facebook, Twitter, and sundry other data-mining organizations.  Those who are in the marketing industry find that most people are shocked to discover what is known about them.  We know their skin color, annual income, marital status, entertainment choices, educational status, credit status, magazines read, balance owed on their cars and houses, how much each monthly payment is, and even the interest rates on their loans.  We know their net worth, and so much more.  A headline in a November 2013 feature in Scientific American reads, “A stupendous amount of information about our private lives is being stored, analyzed, and acted on in advance of a demonstrated valid use for it.” 

Technology and the chip just make good sense.  This loadable/downloadable digital device can house all your vital information accurately.  It can regulate all commercial transactions and house your (and your family’s) medical history.  You can’t lose it; it will protect your identity and is easily scannable.  Two thousand years ago, such an idea was unimaginable, but today it is easily doable and soon to be in full play.  Jesus Christ is the only way of escape. 

Again from “...Word Changing and 666 are Ready for Prime-Time:”

Several paragraphs from Paul McGuire’s book, The Day the Dollar Died, which was published in 2009, will follow.  Mr. McGuire is a syndicated talk-show host, commentator on CNN and Fox News, author of 16 books, and a professor at King’s College.  Mr. McGuire writes:

We are entering a cashless society where credit cards will soon become obsolete.  Due to Identity Theft, which is one of the fastest-growing crimes, the next logical step is a microchip implant with an RFID transmitter.  A company based in Delray Beach, Florida, listed on Nasdaq as VeriChip Corporation, states:  (Note: VeriChip was purchased by VeriTeq Acquisition Corp in 2012.) “VeriChip provides state-of-the-art security solutions that identify, locate, and protect people and their assets and their environments.  From the world’s first and only FDA-cleared human-implantable RFID microchip to the only active RFID tag with patented skin-sensing abilities, Verichip’s technology ensures the safety and security organizations are looking for.”  Obviously, I am not saying that VeriChip or its microchip is the “mark of the beast.”  However, at some future time, something similar to this technology could be developed that could potentially be used as a “mark of the beast” technology. 

VeriChip goes back to the events of September 11, 2001 when New York firemen were writing their badge ID numbers on their chests in case they were found injured or unconscious.  Working with Applied Digital, VeriChip was created to produce and market an implantable device known as “VeriChip.”  Since that time, many people around the world have been implanted, such as medical patients, children, the elderly, CEOs, soldiers, and celebrities.  The VeriChip products utilize an implantable, passive RFID chip for automatic identification.  The chip is about the size of a grain of rice and the microchip inserts just under the skin and contains a 16-digit identifier. 

BUSINESS WIRE ran an article entitled, “VeriChip Corporation Launches HEALTH LINK SYSTEM in Florida:”

Florida’s emergency health care system is receiving a shot in the arm this week with the introduction of Health Link, a revolutionary bio-medical technology created by VeriChip Corporation of Delray, Florida.  For program participants, this means they will be able to receive critical care more rapidly, accurately, and safely.  Emergency contact information is also provided, offering greater peace of mind for the Health Link member, and his or her family and caregivers.  Health link requires implanting program participants with a tiny microchip (similar in size to a grain of rice) just under the skin in the rear upper portion of the right arm. 

Finally, McGuire writes:

Bible scholars debate about what is termed by “last day events.”  However, I am convinced after years of studying the Bible and teaching on this subject in colleges, seminaries, and conferences, that before this event happens, all true believers in Christ will be raptured or removed from the Earth supernaturally.  I believe this happens immediately before the Antichrist is revealed. 

Once the Church of Jesus Christ is removed from the Earth, the False Prophet will be free to work a powerful deception.  All the millions of people who rejected Jesus Christ as their Saviour will now choose to worship the Antichrist and receive the mark of the beast. [End of quote]

Just recently, a lot of buzz has risen over RFID microchip technology.  Several news posts on the internet cited the NBC 2007 newscast that was predicting things we might witness in the next decade and posited the idea of an American population tagged with the ubiquitous chip by 2017.  According to NBC, the chip will answer the question of “Am I who I say I am?”  But, as you’ve already read, it will do so much more. 

I received an investment newsletter in January of 2014 and the headline promoting this investment opportunity read, “One Device to End all Disease.” The subhead reads, “It’s a tiny, 14-milimeter chip that costs less than $50…and ONE company holds ALL the medical patents.”  A few excerpts from the newsletter follow:

A revolutionary new medical device will soon be available at a medical clinic near you. 

It isn’t a drug.  And it’s not a pill.  It’s the world’s smallest medical device…and it could single-handedly end all disease. 

Cleared by the FDA, it’s already in use in the Mayo Clinic, the world’s cutting-edge medical organization. 

“The end of illness is closer than you might think,” says Dr. David Agus, a top cancer specialist at The University of Southern California.

“We expect it will become a clinical standard of care in cardiology within the next three to five years,” says Dr. George Savage, Chief Medical Officer at Proteus Biomedical. 

Measuring just 14mm, it’s the world’s smallest medical implant.  It needs no batteries, and can power itself forever. 

This tiny device could add 30 healthy years to your life…it could eradicate the dangers of all disease, including cancer and heart disease…and it costs less than $50.  [End of quote]

Wow!  What an idea!  The mark of the beast will make good sense. [End of quotes]

Monday, September 19, 2016, the headline of the Wall Street Journal’s “Trends” feature reads, “When Information Storage Gets Under Your Skin.”  The sub-head reads, “Tiny implants can replace keys, store business cards, and medical data—and eventually a lot more.”  Excerpts follow: 

Patrick Paumen doesn’t have to worry about forgetting his keys and being locked out of his apartment.  That is because he doesn’t need a key anymore—he simply unlocks the door with a wave of his hand. 

The implants can be activated and scanned by readers that use radio frequency identification technology, or RFID.  Those include ordinary smartphones and readers already installed in office buildings to allow entrance with a common ID card. 

There is no comprehensive data on how many people have RFID implants in their bodies, but retailers estimate the total is 30,000 to 50,000 people globally. 

The fact that the tags can’t be lost is one attraction.  Another, users say, is that the tags don’t operate under their own power but rather are activated when they’re read by a scanner.  That means they can never be rendered useless by a dead battery like smartphones. 

It only takes a few seconds to inject the small glass cylinder containing the tag, the size of a grain of rice, under the skin.  It can be done by anyone, but proponents say it is best done by a trained person with sterilized equipment to lower the risk of infection.

Some people list emergency contacts on an implanted tag.  And others see potential for the use of the tags in medicine, though one big challenge needs to be addressed for those visions to become reality:  Medical personnel or anyone else trying to help someone in a medical or emergency situation will need to have some way to know that the person they’re trying to help has potentially lifesaving information available under his or her skin. 

For instance, Kevin Warwick, deputy vice chancellor at Coventry University in England and an expert in cybernetics, says that people who suffer from epilepsy often wear pendants that identify them as having epilepsy and sometimes provide emergency contacts and some basic information on how to help a person having a seizure.  But the pendant can be lost or forgotten—a tag cannot.  Paramedics and other first responders could be trained to check for tags, he says, and perhaps people with epilepsy could have a small tattoo or some other marker to help other people find the tag. 

The tags can also be used to access medical records.  Information stored on a tag can be easily updated with the tag remaining in place. 

Advocates also hope it won’t be long before the implants will allow them to make payments in cafes or shops, the way smart cards are used. 

For instance, the use of a tag “is ethically straightforward and even useful” for people who can’t grip a key because of extreme arthritis or the loss of a hand, says Arianne Shahvisi, a lecturer in ethics at the Brighton and Sussex Medical School in the UK.  But while tags also could be used by people with dementia to carry identifying information and to ensure that they would never lose their keys, it would be “troubling” in such cases because the patient may not be able to give proper consent to the procedure. 

And while many adults are repelled by the idea of manipulating a perfectly healthy body, young people may accept it as they do most technology surrounding them.  [End of quotes]

The time for the return of Jesus Christ to receive His church in the clouds is close—very close.  Only those who have been born again will meet Him in the air and the rest of the world will drink from the cup of God’s wrath.  If you have yet to make your decision for Jesus Christ, click onto “Further With Jesus”—and do it now while the door is still open. 

GOD SAID, Revelation 13:16-18:

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

GODSAID, Revelation 14:9-11:

9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

MAN SAID: These doomsday prophets make me laugh!  There is no end to this world and certainly no judgment day!

Now you have THE RECORD.

 Continue reading



Authorized King James Version

Adam, N., and Wilkes, W., “When Information Storage Gets Under Your Skin,” Wall Street Journal, September 19, 2016

GodSaidManSaid, “Twenty-One Signs of Doomsday (Update XXX—The Ubiquitous Chip)



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