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God's Birds, Fish, and Ants Say, "No Excuses!"

Evolution implies that all this happened by accident and chance. Irreducible complexity is all over this picture, but the professor told his class it was simply a pr... More

The 6,000s (Part 5: It�s for the Birds)

After 14+ billion years of evo-time, isn�t it a shock to you that today�s certified research shouts 6,000? That�s just 0.000004% of proposed time! How did all thes... More


I know such an act is hard to fathom by most people, including me, but the Kinsey report indicates that 8% of American males have had at least one sexual interaction... More

Solution for Killer Stress

Stress is a killer and God�s plan for shifting stress is truly life and life more abundantly. Coming unto God in prayer and mixing the word of God with faith yield ... More

They Can't Handle the Truth

The finches that Charles Darwin collected in the Galapagos Islands are considered textbook examples of how a single species differentiated into many to exploit diffe... More

Keep Seed Alive

God created seed to have life within itself and He created it with specific interactive properties. One of these interactive properties is apparent when a seed is ex... More

Salt Shocks World

Salt has become medical media�s whipping boy�the blood pressure, the hypertension boogieman--could Jesus Christ, with His endorsement of salt, stand right in the fac... More

Satan's Minions Chip Away (Because That's What Satan's Minions Do)

In the past 50 years, historical revisionists have been chipping away at the Godly foundation of the United States of America, attempting to discredit any holy root.... More

Poor Design? You Decide

Today�s pseudo-science has taken man�who was made in the very image of God�and reduced him to a byproduct of a primordial soup�to a fish; a fish to an amphibian, and... More

Literal Bones

The Bible teaches that bones are directly affected by sin, stress, anxiety, fear, grief, or conversely, by righteousness, peace, joy, hope, and faith. When the bone... More

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