God Said Man Said

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Man’s "truth" of yesterday is debunked by his "truth" of today, and his "truth" of today will be debunked by his "truth" of tomorrow. God’s truth never changes, for that is the very nature of real truth.
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Article#: 924

The beauty and resilience of God’s Word are immeasurable. It is an ever-present source of light and truth to those who love it, and consternation to those who don’t.

A brother in the faith raised the issue of the hermeneutics employed by GodSaidManSaid. For those who don’t know what hermeneutics means, it is defined as, "The art of finding the meaning of an author’s words and phrases, and of explaining it to others." [End of quote] This website employs "sola scriptura," which is an ancient term meaning "scripture alone." Sola Scriptura says that all of life’s statements, whether religious or academic, are weighed in the balances of the Word of God found in the majority-text (for the English- speaking world, that is the King James Authorized Version). If the world’s statements do not yield to God’s, they are rejected as false. For those who insist on challenging the veracity, including the scientific accuracy of the Word of God, know that after 6,000-plus years of unrelenting effort, Satan and the world’s most renowned carnal minds have failed miserably. Yield to Jesus Christ, the Lord of Glory.

Would you like to know Jesus Christ as your own Lord and Savior? Click on to "Further With Jesus" on this website for immediate entry into the Kingdom of God. NOW FOR TODAY’S SUBJECT.

GOD SAID, Matthew 7:26-27:

26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:

27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.

GOD SAID, Malachi 3:6:

For I am the LORD, I change not;

GOD SAID, Hebrews 13:8:

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

MAN SAID: Via TIME magazine, December 31, 1999: "Iconoclast of the Century: Charles Darwin (1809-1882). Charles Darwin didn’t want to murder God, as he once put it. But he did."

Now THE RECORD: The quote above reminds me of the blasphemy spouted by the famous German atheist Neitzsche. The statement which found serious traction in academia was "God is dead," signed Neitzsche. I once saw a bumper sticker that weighed in on this matter. It read, "Neitzsche is dead," signed God. Neitzsche, by the way, died in an insane asylum. Charles Darwin, mentioned above, who preceded Neitzsche in death, also had well-documented mental and social illnesses. (See "The Fool" and "Beware Who You Follow" on this website.) Psalms 14:1: "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God."

God is not dead, by the way. He is from everlasting, and to everlasting.

The Word of God never changes. His truth, recorded thousands of years ago, dealing with every facet of this life and eternal life, is the solid rock. God’s Word is utterly accurate, from its account of the creation of this young earth to the original parents, Adam and Eve, who were made out of dirt, to Noah’s ark, giants on the earth, fiery flying serpents, one long missing day, to honey, milk, butter, eggs and olive oil, to salvation, Armageddon and eternal life, to every position one could ever hope to take. Man’s "truth," on the other hand, is in a constant state of flux; and in this state, he regularly takes potshots at the Rock of Ages. It would be funny if it were not for the horrendously negative consequences.

I must reiterate a concept repeated on this site several times: Man’s "truth" of yesterday is debunked by his "truth" of today, and his "truth" of today will be debunked by his "truth" of tomorrow. God’s truth never changes, for that is the very nature of real truth.

The yes-no status of the world’s "truth" is obvious in the present debate over Pluto’s status as a planet, in light of the discovery of UB313, nicknamed Xena. The following excerpt is a statement from astronomer Mike Brown in Discover magazine:

"The way to make astronomers look stupidest is to declare that Pluto, this thing that’s been a planet for 75 years, isn’t one," he says. "The bright side is that this is an amazing opportunity to let people see science as a living thing that makes discoveries and changes."

Man’s "truth" is changing.

I reviewed the January 2006 issue of Discover magazine. A cover headline read, "100 Top Science Stories of 2005." The feature articles were laden with man’s "truth" of yesterday being debunked by his "truth" of today. A few of those examples follow.

Under the headline "Deep Impact Exposes Comet Secrets" is found the following paragraph:

In July, NASA’s Deep Impact spacecraft smashed an 800-pound probe into comet Tempel 1, blasting a house-size hole and creating a spectacular shower of cosmic debris. Almost immediately, data produced by the mission cast doubt on the widespread belief that comets are solid balls of ice and rock. It also forced scientists to rethink their ideas about how comets transported water and organic material around the newborn solar system 4.6 billion years ago. [End of quote]

Of course, disregard the erroneous date.

Under the headline "Plants Mend Their Own Faulty DNA" are the following excerpts:

Upending a fundamental tenet of inheritance that has long served as the foundation of genetic theory, a study published in March revealed that plants can correct defective genes inherited from their parents by reverting to an ancestral gene sequence.

Although the discovery was made in plants, Pruitt suspects that animals, including humans, might also use this method to correct faulty genes. "There’s another way that genetic information can be inherited, which we’ve been blissfully unaware of the last 100 years or so," Pruitt says. "To me that just boggles the mind. Then you really start to wonder what else is out there."

The title reads "Mystery Particle Shakes Up Physics." It reads in part:

A new particle, announced by an international team of researchers in June, calls into question what we know about the composition of matter.

"We thought we understood how you can combine quarks and antiquarks into matter, but this doesn’t fit the pattern," says David MacFarlane, a spokesman for the BaBar experiment. "It suggests that there may be a whole new spectrum of matter due to more exotic combinations of quarks." Other perplexing particles observed in BaBar and additional accelerator experiments in recent years drive home the message that physicists still have much to learn about the most basic building blocks of the universe.

Bones discovered in 2003 on an Indonesian island were trumpeted the world over as a new species of human dubbed the Flores Man. Discover magazine, under the headline "Flores Man Denied Status As New Species," printed the following excerpt:

That’s why Robert Eckhardt, a paleoanthropologist at Pennsylvania State University, and a team have intently analyzed the 18,000-year-old bones. The group’s research papers, undergoing peer review, are unequivocal. "Homo floresiensis," says Eckardt, "is not a valid new human species."

The yes-no nature of the world’s "truth" is enabled by the faulty hypothesis that it is built upon and worsened by the frauds that also lie at its very foundation. Under the headline "Deception Plagues Medical Research," Discover magazine reports the following:

A study published in June found that an alarming percentage of medical research is not only untrustworthy but also downright deceitful. HealthPartners Research Foundation and the University of Minnesota surveyed several thousand scientists funded by the National Institutes of Health, and a third of the respondents anonymously admitted to one of 10 serious ethical lapses, such as fabricating data or plagiarizing. Even more common, says Melissa Anderson, a University of Minnesota higher education researcher, were minor misbehaviors like dropping conflicting data or withholding results. Anderson thinks these deceptive practices may stem from scientists’ perceptions that they are not being treated fairly when it comes to receiving grants or getting proper credit. "Science is built on a highly competitive system that relies heavily on junior people," says Anderson. "There may be structural inequities in the way we’ve built the system that increase junior scientists’ sense of organizational injustice." [End of quote]

The spirit of deception is rampant. Whether its Dawson’s discredited "Piltdown Man," or the "Nebraska Man" of the Scopes Trial fame that turned out to be a pig’s tooth, or the upending of Ramapithecus and Australopithecus, or National Geographic’s fake missing link named Archaeoraptor Liaoningensis—which should have been dubbed "chicken with phony lizard’s tail”—man’s "truth" just keeps coming up short.

The challengers to the Word of God abound in theological circles as well, but like all the other contenders, they fail over and over again. Unfortunately, many follow their pernicious ways. This group has built its house upon the sand.

God’s truth, laid down thousands of years ago, never changes. His Word is steadfast and sure. Build your house upon that solid rock.

GOD SAID, Matthew 7:26-27:

26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:

27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.

GOD SAID, Malachi 3:6:

For I am the LORD, I change not;

GOD SAID, Hebrews 13:8:

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

MAN SAID: Via TIME magazine, December 31, 1999: "Iconoclast of the Century: Charles Darwin (1809-1882). Charles Darwin didn’t want to murder God, as he once put it. But he did."

Now you have THE RECORD.


Authorized King James Bible

Discover, January 2006

Sarfati, J., Refuting Compromise, Master Books, p35

Strobel, L., The Case For A Creator, Zondervan, p24

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