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More Alcohol, Less Brain (Part 2)
Alcohol is deadly. You have certainly heard of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. It�s a devastating attack on the unborn and all it takes is as little as one alcoholic bever... More
The Triune Curse
Three specific judgments handed down by God against three individuals will propel the peoples who would descend from these three men along with the nations of the ea... More
Imitation Gods II
Many are bound up in astrology and horoscopes and have subjected themselves to the direction purportedly given by stars and planets instead of taking their leadershi... More
Life Series — Part One -- Who Is God?
This is part one in a series we have dubbed the Life Series. Amazing principles will be uncovered and mysteries of great truths revealed--principles and truths that... More
QandA: Pornography, General Sin, Protection
Satan attacks the spiritual man through his weakest link, whatever that weakness may be. His weapons fit the weakness, such as sexual lust, covetousness, hatred, bi... More
The Wages of Sin — Prepare To Be Shocked
Could there be something to the Biblical concept of the wages of sin? This is Part One in a short series on the wages of sin which will once again prove the full ve... More
Alcohol & Confession of the Mouth
Be assured, there is NO Biblical endorsement for the consumption of alcoholic drinks. Moderation? NO!!! Even the WHO agrees: When it comes to alcohol consumption, t... More
Science And Hearing The Voice of God
Carnal man has refused to retain God in his knowledge, so he is doomed to seek empty-headed foolishness. He will pursue those things which are not convenient; not t... More
Devil Possession and How to be Set Free (Part 1)
Are there devils, and are people possessed by them today? Various types of devil possessions are outlined in the Scriptures: suicidal spirits, multiple personalitie... More
Shem, Ham, and Japheth (The Genesis Series, Part 31)
Did humanity come out of Africa, as today�s educators assert�or did they come down from the mountains of Ararat to Shinar and Babel (which is in modern-day Iraq), as... MoreMore Featured Articles
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- Which Religion is the Truth? (A Shocking Series!)
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- The Amazing Power of Going to Church
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Today's Power Verse
Psalm 13:3 (KJV)
Consider and hear me, O Lord my God: lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death;