The following e-mail came from a disappointed and very critical visitor to GodSaidManSaid.com:
Dear Webmaster:
GodSaidManSaid responds:
Dear R.G., click onto "Which Bible" on this website for what GodSaidManSaid has published concerning Bible translations. In that feature article, a very brief history of English translations of the Bible is given. The purpose of the short history is not to give an extensive history of all English translations, which would have taken volumes, but to give a sense of the English Bible's beginnings. No mention was made of the Geneva Bible. Nowhere in that article did we state that the Authorized King James Version of the Bible was the first full translation of the Bible from the original text. The ultimate purpose of the article was to display the stark differences of today's modern translations, which are derived from the minority-text, versus the Authorized 1611 King James Version of the Bible, which was derived from the majority-text with all other translations compared.
Your criticism concerning the Flesch-Kincaid's Grade Level Indicator, or readability test, are unfounded. This basic scientific, mathematical formula was designed to indicate comprehension difficulty when reading a passage of contemporary, academic English. You can apply this formula to Riplinger's book yourself, though I reccommend pages 195 and 196 of New Age Bible Versions.
The following excerpt concerning the readability of the King James is from an article written by Henry M. Morris titled, "A Creationist's Defense of the King James Bible." Mr. Morris, one of America's most prolific Biblical and scientific writers, is the founder and President Emeritus of ICR (Institution for Creation Research).
The beautifully poetic prose of the King James is a great treasure which should not be lost or forgotten. It has been acclaimed widely as the greatest example of English literature ever written. Apart from a few archaic words or words whose meaning has changed, which can easily be clarified in footnotes, it is as easy to understand today as it was four hundred years ago. That is why the common people today, especially those without higher education, still use and love it. It is usually the "intelligentsia" who tend to favor the modern versions. These modern translations commonly tend to use long words and pedantic rhetoric, but the King James uses mostly one and two-syllable words. Formal studies have always shown its readability index to be 10th grade or lower. There is nothing hard to understand about John 3:16, for example, or Genesis 1:1, or the Ten Commandments, in the King James.
Dr. Morris addresses one of the principle complaints concerning the readability of the King James which is the use of the words "thee" and "thou," etc.:
We have abandoned today many fine points of English grammar commonly used in 1600. For example, we forget that "thee," "thou," and "thine" were used to express the second person singular, with "you," "ye," and "yours" reserved for second person plural. Today we use "you" indiscriminately for both singular and plural, thereby missing some of the precise meaning of many texts of Scripture. The same applies to the "th" and "st" endings on verbs associated with second-person pronouns; they also contribute significantly to the musical quality of the language, especially as used in the King James Bible.
Many sources are referenced in "Which Bible" including Riplinger's "New Age Bible Versions." Your allegations in reference to Riplinger are baseless, redundant, slanderous, and shameful. Make your specific challenges and cease with the vague generalizations. We'll take those specifics up with Riplinger and let her speak for herself.
By the King's own pen, your assertion that King James was a non-believer is also proven false. R.G., let me bring to your attention a 153-page treatise authored by King James for the instruction of his young son, Prince Henry, in the event the King would die an untimely death. The writing was titled "Basilicon Doron," which translates to "the Kingly Gift." An excerpt from the treatise follows:
"Diligently read his word, & earnestly pray for the right understanding thereof. Search the scriptures saith Christ for they will bear testimony of me. The whole Scriptures saith Paul are profitable to teach, to improve, to correct, and to instruct in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect unto all good works.
The Evangelistic Grant Charter, as it was called, for the settling of the Colony of Virginia, was authored and written by the hand of King James. An excerpt follows:
"To make habitation...and to deduce a colony of sundry of our people into that part of America, commonly called Virginia...in propagating of Christian religion to such people as yet live in darkness...to bring a settled and quiet government."
A final statement concerning the Godly credentials of King James, written by author B. Bradley, follows:
King James I of England was born in 1567. He was crowned King of Scotland at the age of thirteen months. He became King of England upon the death of Queen Elizabeth I in 1603.
R.G., you have impugned the integrity of King James as well as the integrity of researcher Gail A. Riplinger. A good point to remember is that when you point one finger at another, there are always three pointing back at you.
As far as sponsorship of the King James Version being Anglican, we must note that the English-speaking King James Version was sponsored by the King of the English-speaking world and its people. It was Dr. John Reynolds, a Puritan, who requested the King undertake the task of translating the Bible from the original texts — by his assessment, the translations that were allowed during the reigns of Henry VIII and Edward VI were corrupt. And, by the way, the marginal notations in the Geneva Bible were written before King James was born and therefore, not written with him specifically in mind. Also, Biblical notations are not Holy Writ.
King James Bible
Bradley, B., "Purified Seven Times," Revival Fires! Publishing, 1998
"King James I Biography," www.Jesus-is-Lord.com
Morris, H.M., "A Creationist's Defense of the King James Bible," Institute for Creation Research, 2004